Page 56 - January Febuary 2016 Issue
P. 56
PTSD Among Military Personnel: A Review
avoidance, anxiety, and depression. On PTSD symptoms given exposure, and lifetime
the other hand, high NEM combined with PTSD classiication (symptoms only, sub
low CON is hypothesized to predict an threshold PTSD, or full PTSD). The indings
externalizing form of posttraumatic reaction indicated that scores on MMPI scales
characterized by marked impulsivity, were within the normal range and no scale
aggression, and a propensity towards predicted combat exposure. Hypochondriasis,
antisocialism and substance abuse. psychopathic deviate, masculinity-femininity,
and paranoia scales predicted PTSD symptoms.
Cluster analyses (Miller, Greif, & Smith, Depression, hypomania, and social introversion
2003) of Multidimensional Personality predicted diagnostic classiication among
Questionnaires (MPQs) completed by combat subjects with PTSD symptoms. The effects
veterans revealed subgroups that differed persisted when amount of combat exposure
on measures relating to the externalization was controlled for. This supports the indings of
versus internalization of distress. The similar studies that pre-military personality can
MPQ proile of the externalizing cluster affect vulnerability to lifetime PTSD symptoms
was deined by low constraint and harm- in men exposed to combat.
avoidance coupled with high alienation and
aggression. Individuals in this cluster also Co-morbidity with anxiety disorders
had histories of delinquency and high rates of
substance-related disorder. In comparison, Co-morbidity studies have shown stronger link
the MPQ proile of the internalizing of PTSD with anxiety disorders than with other
cluster was characterized by lower positive disorders. There is a stronger family history of
emotionality, alienation, and aggression anxiety disorders than of affective disorders in
and higher constraint, and individuals in PTSD sufferers. PTSD shares symptomatology
this cluster showed high rates of depressive with panic disorder, phobic anxiety, generalized
disorder. These indings suggest that anxiety disorder, and obsessive-compulsive
dispositions toward externalizing versus disorder. PTSD like anxiety disorders involves
internalizing psychopathology may account an abnormality in sympathetic system activity.
for heterogeneity in the expression of
posttraumatic responses, as well as patterns PTSD among female military personnel
of co morbidity.
The psychological impact of military service
Schnurr, Friedman, & Rosenberg (1993) tried and associated experiences like PTSD were
to assess the predictors of combat-related life studied commonly among Vietnam War (1959
time symptoms of PTSD among 131 male to 1975) veterans. The signiicant stressors
Vietnam and Vietnam-era veterans who had among female military personnel ranged from
taken the MMPI in college and who were hazardous occupational tasks to sexual assault
interviewed as adults with the Structured (Wolfe et al. 1993). Women veterans exposed
Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R. Scores on to combat during service were primarily Army
the basic MMPI scales were used to predict nurses (Dienstfrey, 1988). In the earliest study of
combat exposure, lifetime history of any women and war stress participating 89 female
avoidance, anxiety, and depression. On PTSD symptoms given exposure, and lifetime
the other hand, high NEM combined with PTSD classiication (symptoms only, sub
low CON is hypothesized to predict an threshold PTSD, or full PTSD). The indings
externalizing form of posttraumatic reaction indicated that scores on MMPI scales
characterized by marked impulsivity, were within the normal range and no scale
aggression, and a propensity towards predicted combat exposure. Hypochondriasis,
antisocialism and substance abuse. psychopathic deviate, masculinity-femininity,
and paranoia scales predicted PTSD symptoms.
Cluster analyses (Miller, Greif, & Smith, Depression, hypomania, and social introversion
2003) of Multidimensional Personality predicted diagnostic classiication among
Questionnaires (MPQs) completed by combat subjects with PTSD symptoms. The effects
veterans revealed subgroups that differed persisted when amount of combat exposure
on measures relating to the externalization was controlled for. This supports the indings of
versus internalization of distress. The similar studies that pre-military personality can
MPQ proile of the externalizing cluster affect vulnerability to lifetime PTSD symptoms
was deined by low constraint and harm- in men exposed to combat.
avoidance coupled with high alienation and
aggression. Individuals in this cluster also Co-morbidity with anxiety disorders
had histories of delinquency and high rates of
substance-related disorder. In comparison, Co-morbidity studies have shown stronger link
the MPQ proile of the internalizing of PTSD with anxiety disorders than with other
cluster was characterized by lower positive disorders. There is a stronger family history of
emotionality, alienation, and aggression anxiety disorders than of affective disorders in
and higher constraint, and individuals in PTSD sufferers. PTSD shares symptomatology
this cluster showed high rates of depressive with panic disorder, phobic anxiety, generalized
disorder. These indings suggest that anxiety disorder, and obsessive-compulsive
dispositions toward externalizing versus disorder. PTSD like anxiety disorders involves
internalizing psychopathology may account an abnormality in sympathetic system activity.
for heterogeneity in the expression of
posttraumatic responses, as well as patterns PTSD among female military personnel
of co morbidity.
The psychological impact of military service
Schnurr, Friedman, & Rosenberg (1993) tried and associated experiences like PTSD were
to assess the predictors of combat-related life studied commonly among Vietnam War (1959
time symptoms of PTSD among 131 male to 1975) veterans. The signiicant stressors
Vietnam and Vietnam-era veterans who had among female military personnel ranged from
taken the MMPI in college and who were hazardous occupational tasks to sexual assault
interviewed as adults with the Structured (Wolfe et al. 1993). Women veterans exposed
Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R. Scores on to combat during service were primarily Army
the basic MMPI scales were used to predict nurses (Dienstfrey, 1988). In the earliest study of
combat exposure, lifetime history of any women and war stress participating 89 female