Page 61 - January Febuary 2016 Issue
P. 61
Spy Drones - Better Battery Technologies Enable Everyday Applications Including Crime Prevention
the risk of collision in crowds, between There can be little doubt of the value these spy
buildings, or in trafic. Police in the UK drones represent. In search and rescue operations
currently are evaluating drones that can track they can scout potentially hazardous locations
criminal suspects, and even squirt them with without risk to human rescuers. For law
a tracking luid! enforcement, they can be used to track criminals

without exposing the oficer to potential danger.
Using radically different designs than their Mining site inspectors could send it up or down
toy counterparts, these devices provide a a shaft to check conditions. It really doesn’t take
more stable and durable platform for their much to envision how these little wonders can
payloads. Their design gives them an unusual prove to be useful or even invaluable. Once the
and futuristic OK, science iction-type appropriate agencies and companies become
look. They have features like GPS assist for aware of what the Microdrone can do, it is only
navigation, shielding against electromagnetic a matter of time before even more adventurous
interference, onboard light recorders and applications are imagined

more. For special duty they have infrared and
near infrared cameras available as options.
Plus these drones can go where it is dificult
or impossible to place a human observer.

The One to Watch

The company that has made this science Nerac Inc. is a global research and advisory irm
for companies developing innovative products
iction device a reality is Microdrones and technologies. Nerac Analysts deliver
GmbH, the manufacturer of the drones in the custom assessments of product and technology
British police trial. development opportunities, competitor

Microdrones have been on the market since intelligence, intellectual property strategies,
and compliance requirements through a proven
April 2006 and have been used in aerial blended approach to custom analysis: review of
photography, archeological and civilian technical knowledge, investigation of intellectual
surveillance, plant inspections, ire and property, and appraisal of business impacts.
rescue, border control, law enforcement and Nerac deploys analysts in diverse disciplines to
military applications. Thus far their customer help clients discover new applications, serving
base has been primarily in Europe, but this as a catalyst for new thinking and creative
is likely to change as the word gets out and approaches to business problems or identifying

the system proves itself. And it’s certain strategic growth opportunities. On the web at
that new applications will be found: security http://EzineArticles.
and surveillance, environmental protection, com/expert/Jan_Kraska/207947
public works, construction monitoring,
surveying and mapping, and exploration.

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