Page 19 - June July 2017
P. 19

Elite Investigative Journal
        Integrated Firearm Safety Principles, pg 19-21
        ©2014-2017  SYT Global, Inc.

        The Threat of Ambushes to Private Security Are Real

                                                                                                     By Donato Sinisi

                                                                                                 Photo Courtesy of
        By now many of you know of the amount of violence that has been committed against law enforcement all
        across the country. Some of these police officers were killed for the simple fact that they were in uniform and
        were police officers. By extension Security Officers have been placed in the very same position along with their
        counterparts in the fire and EMS services.

        It’s become a sorry fact of life: ambushes are all too real now. The patrol car which was once considered “sa-
        cred” as a place to safely write your reports, park to deter would be criminals or simply eat your lunch or dinner
        now has a bull’s-eye on it, especially if the vehicle is marked. Sadly too, police stations have been shot at and
        even fire apparatus and ambulances have been targeted and the trend appears to be more and more fire depart-
        ments and EMS providers are now purchasing and requiring their staff members to wear body armor. What
        continues to amaze me is that many of the security companies and private officers have not begun to take this
        type of threat seriously enough to warrant such purchases and protections.

        The reality is that Private Security Officers face many of the same threats and the sooner we come to realize
        this, the better. Here’s my reality: there is absolutely no justification for assaulting, injuring or killing law en-
        forcement officers, security officers, firefighters and EMS professionals - absolutely none!

        The responsibilities of a private security officer are far reaching but all have the same basic job of protecting
        people and assets. However, they should have available to them any equipment that will keeps themselves as
        safe as possible. Everyone in public safety and private security deserves to go home to their friends and family.
        It’s time to get off the “observe and report” wagon. Those days are gone- long gone! It’s unfortunate that there
        have been too many private officers killed in the line of duty, approximately one-hundred so far this year, ac-
        cording to Private Officer International. Additionally, one-thousand private officers have been assaulted, stabbed
        or shot. It’s inexcusable these officers are not afforded the same protections as law enforcement officers. Many
        of these officers are not armed and in many cases are not allowed to carry defensive equipment. We want them
        to protect us but let’s face it, we are setting them up to fail from the very beginning.

        Let me take a step back and be blunt because it’s very important that we understand that today’s world is much
        more different and violent than in years past.

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