Page 14 - June July 2017
P. 14
Leadership Principles of the Warrior (Part 3)
daily meditative practice, a leader builds upon his or As for the extent of humanity, globally speaking, it
her foundation of discerned thinking. Self-evolution may already be futile for any major transformation of
necessitates the ongoing development of individual the species. Yet, that is not relevant to the individual
character. personality. Each has a different mission to perform,
of which, such is highly personal and private.
Wisdom, discipline, insight, prudent behavior, and Externalities do not matter to the substance of a more C
mature ascendency, relate to a complex mixture ascended person, in terms of the quest for achieving an A
of personality, fortified by practice, experience individualized renovation. By neither the fat bloated
and learning. To mature in knowledge and apply consumptive preoccupation with self-indulgence, P
intelligent discretion from that process requires thinking processes must change. I
always doing what is right, as opposed to what is T
expedient. No matter how unpopular, bluntly honest, Superficiality of limited, if not stupid, thinking processes
or potentially disturbing, the truth must be revealed. engorge the static perspective of the senses. Around the A
spectrum of creative ideations, the fences of defenses L
At the end of ones journey, it is time to let go of elongate the detrimental purposes of self-destructions.
what has been, leave, and move on to start a new And, discerning the true meaning of things, the intentions
story and newer version. Some can never walk away of others and peaceful presence of understanding the P
gracefully. Their neediness is evidence of their details, all becomes crucial. To see linkages, possibilities U
predicament. Yet, leaders know when it is time to and consider the probable outcomes, relates to the N
go. They comprehend the essential nature of the constant alterations one strives to makes changes.
special art, skill and expertise of being a competent I
forthright leader. Courage of character fortifies the In addition, without wavering, she or he, the one who S
reflection of personality. Endlessly, a leader seeks to ascends the leadership sphere, stays on the informed H
learn from his or her experiences. straight and narrow path regardless of the obstacles. All
around, she or he senses the chaos, the arrogance, the M
Both the positive encounters, as well as the adverse selfishness and debasing aims of others. The falsehoods E
ones, improve the prospects of cultivating one’s or the adversities that arise are quickly recognized. N
skills. By bravely going places where others do not Unfortunately, by contrast in today’s world of abject
go, having real “field experience” so to speak, he or shallowness, and stifled thinking, people chase after T
she learns to grasp the real basis for a knowledgeable the all-knowing “guru”. The alleged wise sage enters
perspective. That is to say, with actual awareness to solve complex issues with easy quick fix answers. In
of one’s information base, gain by real-world the age of the “experts”, those who insist on a limited
interactions, the leader can grow confidently as to worldview with unevolved growth, worship the altar of
the issues, matters and controversies at hand. Fear of pretended authority.
action has no place within the framework.
With so many “internet specialists”, “management
A leader embraces the fortifying effects of consultants”, and “motivational speakers”, you would
oppositional transitions to provoke the senses to think blissful utopia would have already encircled the
higher thoughtfulness in personal ascendency. Very globe with all manner of lofty enlightenment. What
few will ascend to an authentic version of leadership. do they really know? Better yet, what is their level of
Many will pretend, others for them will defend, expertise and real experience? Are they even old enough,
and many will not ascend. Stagnation will be their mature and wise enough, to offer counsel at any range of
legacy for a demise they created. Nevertheless, for interpersonal encounter?
the leaders, the limited number there are, he or she
endeavors to change, although it is difficult, the For instance, one should consider the many schools
leader desires to be different. Yet, it is too late for and colleges, where practitioners with actual worldly
most. expertise do no teach, nor have the written the textbooks.
No, instead, the lecture halls are filled with the pundits