Page 13 - June July 2017
P. 13
Leadership Principles of the Warrior (Part 3)
evidence confess inefficiency, incompetency and reality of every moment.
ineffectiveness. In regard to the general public, in
the event of an emergency condition, emotionalism Such human driven actions insists upon the bravery
trumps reality and evidentiary proofs are replaced by of individuality, constant questioning of everything,
stupidly contrived dogmatic assumptions. Fallacies never-ending process of learning, and the inclusion
of subversive inference are perpetrated by magical of logical insistence upon facts over fictions. Such a
thinking to satiate hasty generalizations. group of leaders is extremely rare in number in today’s
post-modern society. Wealth, fame and consumption,
C In the contemporary scheme of pretentiousness to the combined with power, control and domination, reflect the
A act leadership, anyone can hold himself or herself out narcissism of our times.
P to be a “leader”. However, in reality, there are very To him or her, who lacks the capacity to appreciate the
few, perhaps less that 25% across the population,
I who actually have such potential. Forget finding essence of leadership, life revolves around him or her
T sufficient examples of high quality leadership in the and it is all about them. They need attention, they seek
A political arena. Those days are gone, selfishness is attention, and they desire the validation of their attention
more prevalent for hedonistic agendas.
getting efforts. By contrast, each actual or potential
L leader, apprentice or mentor, is at a different point of
Reliable, consistent and exemplary leadership, transformation.
P from a selfless capacity for service and exceptional Over the passage of time, this has become an even
performance is in scarce supply. Why? There are a
U number of reasons. From a lack of accountability smaller group available to offer extraordinary leadership
N to responsible growth and maturity, some aspects status. Nonetheless, the sleight of hand never ends as
I are institutional, while other elements are primarily the con artists ply their illicit deceptions. For many talk
about “leadership”, yet few have ever experienced what
personal. Cowardice for the satiation of gain at
S any cost, with little or no risk or challenge, to the it is. In American society, many so-called “experts”
H plundering of human and natural resources that claim some type of “expertise” in whatever they think
M punish or penalize ingenuity and creativity. they know and want us to believe.
E Organized political and commercial interests, How does one expect to teach, consult or otherwise
N concentrated in an increasingly smaller sector of counsel on the elements of leadership if they have never
T a powerful few, selfishly manipulate conformity learned by way of experience in the real world? As to
in communal processes. Intelligence is often
anything in a three-dimensional conception, how does
criticized by the silly conjecture of foolish diatribe. one understand the essence of perception, absent the
However, for the limited number of leaders, they testing of its existence? In other words, if one has never
bravely persevere in spite of the rampant stupidity ventured outside the “classroom”, sensed a realm beyond
that surrounds them. While ignorance may be theory, touched the very naturalism of surroundings, and
bliss among a significant number in any given the people involved, to become a serious practitioner of
organization, including presumed “smart” people, their craft, what do they really know? How gullible are
stupidity has a hefty cost. we to such speculation?
The price of imprecise thinking, coupled with Leadership potentiality rests upon the individual’s
metaphorical psychobabble and silly inappropriate psychodynamic nature of personal liberation through
analogies, reflect the dumbing down and eventual constant self-analysis. Independence of thought
demise of a culture. A failure to grow maturely, translated into action rebels against the status quo at
to ascend to a higher evolved status, requires every opportunity. Additionally, to enrich the prospects
exceptional capacity, skillful ability and deeply of leading wisely, one strives to find frequent moments
profound thinking. A brain creates the thinking we for solitude. To be quiet, to listen and learn from the
call a “mind”, and that inner entity must assure the evolving differentiation, is to grow more deeply. By