Page 27 - Daggabay Magazine 8
P. 27
MOSTLY B’s It seems like you don’t
like boxing people in, and don’t
seem to have a specific type that
you go for. Don’t get me wrong,
there’s nothing wrong with not
having a type - in fact, it is a good
MOSTLY A’s It looks like you thing because it means that you’re
definitely have a type when it open-minded and you’re willing to
comes to romantic relationships. give anyone you vibe with a
Whether you go for certain looks or chance. You have to be careful
personality traits, you’re more though, because being too “care-
specific about what you want. Of free” can result in being in
course, there’s nothing wrong with relationships that simply don’t
that if the relationships work out for work out. Sometimes it’s good to
you. However, if they never have at least an idea of the right
workout, then you should consider person for you so that you don’t
being a little more adventurous and accept less than what you’re worth.
try to be with someone you You can even start with simply
normally wouldn’t go for (like the having relationship goals. Read this
‘nice’ guy for example). Having a article to keep in mind the
type only works if you find yourself relationship goals you should work
consistently in healthy relationships towards.
because of that choice. At the end of
the day, no matter who you go for,
make sure that the person you’re
with is kind and respects you.
We all look for different qualities in
partners and there might be a
pattern with the people we date -
and that is perfectly okay. Whether
you have a type or not, you should
always aim for healthy
relationships and keep in mind that
people are different. Sometimes
getting out of your comfort zone is
what you need, because that’s
where you might find your