Page 32 - Daggabay Magazine 8
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How to use the MagicalButter How to make cannabutter with the
Machine MagicalButter Machine
If you've made cannabutter at home Making cannabutter with the
before, you know that decarbing your MagicalButter Machine takes
weed is a critical first step in the process. approximately two hours from start to
This holds true when using the finish, and yields approximately 2–5
MagicalButter Machine, too. There are cups maximum (475–1180 mL)
several different ways to decarb weed depending on how much butter you
depending on what you're using it for, but want to make.
to decarb your weed for cannabutter, your
best bet is just to bake it in the oven. Ingredients:
2–5 cups (475–1180 mL) of unsalted
Break up the bud you want to infuse into butter, clarified*
the butter into small pieces and spread it 1/4–1/2 oz. (7–14 g) of decarbed bud per
evenly in a thin layer over a sheet of every 1 cup (240 mL) of butter used
parchment paper, cover the paper with 1 tbsp. (15 mL) lecithin* per every 1 cup
aluminum foil, bake for 25–30 minutes at (240 mL) of butter used
230℉ (110℃), and let cool completely *To ensure the best possible extraction
before you begin your desired infusion process and the highest possible potency
cycle in the MagicalButter Machine. of your cannabutter, the MagicalButter
chefs highly recommend you clarify the
Once you've decarbed the weed and it's butter before adding it to the pitcher of
cooled down, you're ready to start the the MagicalButter Machine. Clarified
MagicalButter infusion process. The butterfat absorbs more THC than
MagicalButter Machine is capable of all normal butter, and makes for a better
different kinds of botanical infusions like infusion overall. All you have to do to
butters, oils, tinctures and oil concentrates. clarify your butter is slowly simmer it in
Cannabutter is, of course, a butter a small pan on the stove over very low
infusion, which are the simplest and most heat until it melts and a white froth
basic infusions to perform. forms on the surface, then gently skim it
off with a spoon until only the golden,
clear, liquefied butterfat remains.