Page 33 - Daggabay Magazine 8
P. 33

*Lecithin  is  an  emulsifier  used  widely  in           How to clean your machine

      the  culinary  industry,  among  others,  for             Once  you're  done,  the  MagicalButter
      binding  ingredients  to  lipids  like  butter            Machine  is  super  easy  to  clean  even  if
      and  fat.  Adding  lecithin  allows  the                  you're stoned out of your mind on edibles
      butterfat  to  absorb  significantly  higher              already.  You  simply  give  the  machine  a

      amounts  of  THC  and  other  cannabinoids                rinse, fill it up halfway with dish soap and
      during  infusion,  which  increases  the                  water and press the clean button.
      potency of your finished cannabutter.
                                                                Whether  you're  a  veteran  cannabutter
      Directions:                                               chef  you're  a  novice  who  wants  to  learn

      Load  your  desired  amount  of  clarified                the    ropes     of    making       edibles,     the
      butter, proportionate amount of decarbed                  MagicalButter        Machine        is    a    solid

      bud and lecithin into the                                 investment.        It's     as     simple       and
      pitcher of the                                            straightforward  to  use  as  a  botanical
      MagicalButter Machine                                     extraction                  machine/immersion
       and tightly secure the                                   blender/customizable heating unit can be
       head on top of the pitcher.                              without  compromising  the  quality  or  the
      Press the “Temperature”                                   potency of its final products.

      button on the top of the
      head and select the option                                So if you're looking for a user-friendly
      71℃, then the “2 Hours/Butter”                             way to make your own edibles (or
      button                                                      you're  quarantined  at  home  in  need  of

      Allow two hours infusion cycle to run                     new  ways  to  get  stoned  like  me)  the
      Once  the  infusion  cycle  is  complete,                 MagicalButter Machine is the cure to your
      unplug  your  MagicalButter  Machine  and                 weed woes.
      remove the head. Put on your LoveGlove™
      and  slowly  pour  what's  in  the  pitcher
      through  your  PurifyFilter™  and  into your

      desired storage container.
      And  that's  it—decarb  your  bud,  press  a
      couple  of  buttons,  wait  two  hours,  strain
      and once it solidifies, you can infuse all of

      your  favorite  culinary  creations  with
      premium, potent homemade cannabutter.
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