Page 38 - Sanko_Sixth Edition
P. 38

Turn of Events                           an arm around my shoulder. I didn't know

                           Progoti Roy                          to feel excited or nervous.

                                                                       “We try to keep the uninvited guests
                 I  opened  my  eyes  and  had  no  idea        away  from  our  world”,  he  said  while
                                                                accompanying me to a dark hallway. All the
          where I was. I found myself on the floor of a         lights  started  to  switch  on  following  our
          red-lit  room.  My  head  felt  heavy  and  my        footsteps. I saw many equipments and gears
          body  felt  like  it’s  been  hit  by  a  car.        which  were  out  of  the  ordinary.  On  top  of
          Subsequently,  I  slowly  started  to  gather         that,  it  looked  like  weapons  to  kill
          myself  and  attempted  to  find  a  way  out.        something  which  for  sure  wasn't  human.
          Suddenly,    I   heard    footsteps    heading        “Welcome  to  the  ‘Knights  world’.  Here  we
          towards the room I was in. Hence, I quickly           train  the  youth  to  protect  the  real  world
          stood up and hid behind a metal furniture.            from    unwanted      evil    creatures,”    he
          “Is she in here?” asked the unknown voice.            continued.  I  couldn’t  believe  what  I  was
          “Yes,  but  she  might  be  unconscious,”             hearing. Secret agency? Evil creatures? Am
          answered  another  person,  but  this  time  it       I dreaming? “We recruit youth starting from
          was  a  woman  and  the  voice  sounded               the age 18... Unfortunately, we couldn’t wait
          familiar too. I was as scared as a rabbit in a        for  you  to  turn  18  due  to  John’s  sudden
          wolf’s den for what’s and who’s to come.              death,”  he  said  while  ushering  me  into  a
                                                                room.  “Jake!!!”  I  screamed  and  ran  to  hug
                 I  held  my  breath  in  as  the  door         my  brother  when  I  saw  him.  My  older
          creaked open. “Are you sure she was kept in           cousins  were  there  too.  That  was  when  I
          here?”, asked the deep voice. “Oh my god... I         realized that they didn't leave for college but
          swear  she  was  in  here  just  a  few  minutes      to participate in this agency.
          ago,” the woman answered slightly worried.
          “Hmm, I think I know how to find her,” he                    I was still trying to digest everything
          said.  I  was  still  confused  about  my             when  unexpectedly  a  siren  went  off.  “That
          whereabouts.  Out  of  nowhere,  I  heard  a          can't  be  good”  I  said  to  myself.  “It's
          whistle and it wasn’t just any whistle. It was        happening, quick grab all your equipments
          the secret whistle which only my father and           and  gears!”  said  my  brother  in  urgency.
          I used with each other. Without hesitation, I         “Remember all the self- defence tactics Dad
          came  out  from  my  hiding  place  and  tears        taught  you?  he  asked.  “Yes?  But  why?”  I
          started  to  run  down  my  cheeks.  I  saw  a        asked  in  utter  confusion.  “No  time  for
          man  wearing  all  black  and  a  woman               questions,  follow  me!”  he  replied  while
          wearing  office  wear.  I  was  shocked  when  I      pulling  my  hand.  The  place  was  in  utter
          realised she was my own oldest sister.                chaos. It was almost like in the movies. Out
                                                                of  the  blue,  I  saw  a  huge  reptile-like
                 “Hi  Juliet,  my  name  is  Dexter             creature  heading  towards  us.  I  was  so
          Morgan,”  said  the  man  in  black.  “I'm  so        frightened. At that moment, I saw a smaller
          sorry for your father's loss; he was a really         creature  heading  towards  my  brother  from
          good human being inside and out. We were              the  side.  I  ran  as  fast  as  I  could  towards
          like brothers,” he continued. I could see my          him to let him know but on my way to him
          sister  getting  teared  u.“I'm  sure  you  are       another  creature  attacked  me  from  the
          really  bewildered  by  all  of  this...”  “This      back. The last thing I heard before blacking
          wasn't  supposed  to  happen  like  this  but-”       out was my brother screaming my name. I
          he said with pity. “Oh just say it now, will          woke  up  when  I  heard  my  mother  calling
          you?”  I  said  impatiently.  He  took  a  deep       my name. It was a dream all along....
          breath before saying, “A few years ago, your
          father and I decided to start a secret agency
          called  ‘The  Knights  world’”.  “Come  on,  let
          me show you around,” he said while putting
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