Page 3 - Package Pages
P. 3

Platinum Assistance Package Agreement

            Date: ____________________

            I/We ________________________________________________________ would
            like to become members of the ‘Platinum Assistance Package’ from Latitude

            Property Australia Pty Ltd.
            We understand that the cost of this package costs $10,000 + GST.
            We also understand that this fee is a one off only payment and is to be paid by

            way disbursement when refinancing an existing property or upfront if purchasing
            through your SMSF.

            Property being purchased: ____________________________________________
            Purchase Price: $ _________________________
            Fee Amount: $10,000 + GST
            GST Amount: $1,000

            Total Fee Amount: $11,000

            By signing below I authorise:
                   A) The above fee be added to my disbursement of funds at settlement

                   and be paid to The Latitude Property Australia Pty Ltd on settlement
                   of my refinance.
                   B) Transfer from my SMSF upon signing of the EOI (Expression of Interest)

            Clients Signature

            Name: _______________________                     Name: _______________________

            Signed: ________________________                  Signed: ________________________
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