Page 15 - KNG 2020 issue 2 nov 2020 v4_Neat
P. 15

        My Favourite Cake Recipe – Piñata Cake
        By Sarah Walton Y9 (written during the first lockdown)

       I do baking quite often, at least      Here is a step-by-step guide on     make the buttercream. For this,
    once a week at the moment, as          how to make a Piñata Cake.             you’ll need icing sugar and butter in
    there’s not much to do. Recently, I                                           the ratio of 7:5. I usually use around
    found a recipe for a Piñata Cake.         1.  First, preheat your oven to     140g icing sugar and 100g butter.
    I’ve always wanted to try this, so I   180⁰C/160⁰C for a fan oven/gas         Mix this together and add a few
    gave it a go. A Piñata Cake is where,   mark 4, and line your two cake tins   drops of vanilla extract (you can also
    when you cut into the cake, there      with baking paper.                     add food colouring to this if you want
    are sweets inside that fall out, like     2.  In your mixing bowl, weigh      it to be coloured). If you don’t want to
    a piñata. You can decorate the cake    out 300g caster sugar and 300g         make buttercream, ready-made icing
    however you want: I made mine look     butter. Mix these together until       or frosting can work too.
    like the Gruffalo for my brother’s 7th   smooth.                                11.  Once the cakes are cooled,
    Birthday, and we had a small party at     3.  In a cup, use a fork to whisk   take them out of the tins. Use the
    home, with themed activities for him   the eggs. Slowly add these to the      wire cake cutter to slice one of
    to do. The cake itself is just a plain   mix, stirring in between. You need   the cakes in half, so you have two
    vanilla cake, but even though it’s     to stir this quite fast so that the egg   thinner cakes (mine were quite thin
    quite simple, I love the recipe. Here   doesn’t curdle.                       and almost broke at this point, so be
    are the ingredients for a Piñata Cake     4.  Now mix in the vanilla extract   careful here).
    (some can be changed depending on      (you could also use other flavourings    12.  Take your cookie cutter and
    personal preferences):                 like lemon extract, or add 2 tbsp      cut a hole out of the middle of the
       300g golden caster sugar            of cocoa powder if you want a          other, thicker cake. This is where the
       300g unsalted butter, room          chocolate cake).                       sweets will go.
    temperature                               5.  Weigh out and sieve the self-     13.  You can now start
       4 large eggs                        raising flour and add it to the bowl.   assembling your cake. Use a palette
       1.5tsp vanilla extract              Fold the flour into the mixture and    knife (or a normal, blunt knife, if you
       300g self-raising flour (sieved)    mix it until combined.                 don’t have one) and spread a layer of
       Food colouring (optional)              6.  Now you have the cake mix,      buttercream onto one of the thinner
       Buttercream for filling (recipe     split it in half, spooning one half of   cakes. Carefully place the thicker
    below)                                 the mixture into a separate bowl.      cake, with a hole in it, on top of this.
       Sweets for the Piñata aspect           7.  You should have two bowls of      14.  Now, you can pour your
       Whatever icing you want to use      mix. This is where you can add food    sweets into the hole. I used M&Ms,
    for the decoration.                    colouring, although it is optional. I   but any small sweet will do.
                                           used red (this came out pink when        15.  Spread another layer of
       You will also need:                 mixed) and orange for mine. Add        buttercream around the top of the
       Scales                              enough drops of food colouring to      cake ring, and carefully place the last
       Mixing bowl (you will need an       colour the mix.                        thin cake on the top.
    extra bowl for separating between         8.  Once your cake mix is ready       16.  Now is where you can get
    tins)                                  for the oven, spoon the mix from one   creative – you can decorate the cake
       Wooden spoon/spatula for mixing     bowl into a tin, and the mix from the   however you want. I used chocolate
    (you can also use an electric mixer if   other bowl into the other tin. Use the   icing and fondant to make mine look
    you have one, but I prefer mixing by   spatula to even out the mixture in the   like the Gruffalo for my brother’s
    hand)                                  tin.                                   birthday. This is what mine looked
       Sieve                                  9.  Put the cakes into the oven.    like!
       2x 20cm diameter cake tins          They should take around 20 minutes       When you cut into the cake, the
       Wire cake cutter                    to cook, but to be sure, stick a       sweets should fall out like this:
       3inch diameter round cookie         skewer into the cake, and if it comes
    cutter                                 out clean, the cake is cooked. Take
       Cake board                          them out of the oven and leave to
                                           cool.                                    Now enjoy!
                                              10.  While the cakes are cooling,

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