Page 16 - Pen Dragon and the Age of King Arthur
P. 16
The Age of Destiny
and how Pen Dragon Finds a Home
From the moment Merlin first viewed the dragon-shaped comet and considered what
it might portend, it can now be seen that it was everything he’d had in his mind;
War, Dark Magic, Treachery, Chivalry, Honour and Love! Arthur and Merlin’s stories
may not have fully ended yet, but, for Pen Dragon and his family, it was time to leave
Britannia’s troubled shores.
Arthur had honoured Pen Dragon for his bravery and loyalty with the right to claim a
mountain region for his home, and Pen Dragon decided the time was right for him to
do so. But where should he go?
He considered the mountains of the North, but they were desolate and wintry and
Dragons love heat. He considered the mountains of the Far East, but knew that
the mighty Lung Dragons might not welcome a new neighbour. He considered
the mountains of the West, but little was known of these and he did not intend
endangering his family.
His mind was made up; they would fly to the South where the air is warm, the sky is
clear and blue and the land full of wild animals … and very few knights!
Keeping themselves away from the gaze of men, they flew not across the land but out The Age of Destiny Puzzle
to sea. A few sailors caught a glimpse of them through the stormy clouds of the day or
when the stars where blotted out as they flew over their ships at night. Sailors are very
superstitious and many decided that maybe they should become farmers instead!
Having completed the first five puzzles, place the letters from
After many days of flying and searching, Pen Dragon saw to the East a large, flat-
topped mountain looming out of the sea. They made for land and the Dragons found your answers in this order to complete your Quest
peace under the African sun.
However, man was soon to follow. Pen Dragon remembered his love for Arthur and his
fellowship with Merlin and decided he would give these men one last gift. He cast a
magic spell on the land around the Dragonstone Mountains. If you choose to visit this
place you may be one of a very fortunate few to catch a glimpse of a dragon, but you
will be certain to enjoy the spell Pen Dragon left behind as his final gift - the fruit of
the grapevine.