Page 14 - Pen Dragon and the Age of King Arthur
P. 14

The Age of Valour

                                         and how the Legend Lives On

                 Arthur’s influence and fame had spread far but he found that he not only had enemies
                 at home in his court, but also across the sea. War was spreading across Europe and
                 Arthur’s enemies were growing in strength. He believed that their envious eyes would
                 soon turn to the shores of Britannia and decided that, with the strength of his knights,

                 he could face the threat in France. However, Arthur had an ulterior motive – it was

                 time to avenge his betrayal at the hands of Lancelot, who had fled home to Gaul.
                 His cause was set and, in his absence, Arthur left his kingdom to be managed by his
                 nephew Mordred.

                 While Arthur campaigned across the sea, Mordred seized the throne and Arthur
                 had no choice but to return to defend his kingdom. His army met Mordred’s force

                 on the plains around Salisbury and they were both hesitant to make the first move.
                 This decision was taken out of their hands; an adder emerged from under a rock
                 and startled one of the soldiers who drew his sword to strike the snake. The nervous

                 armies saw this flash of steel and both sides attacked!
                 The battle was bloody, with kinsmen fighting brothers and friends of old in different

                 colours. Arthur fought valiantly through the chaotic crowds towards the treacherous
                                                                                                                                                            The Age of Valour Puzzle
                 Mordred. They duelled for what seemed like an age while their men continued to die
                 around them. At last, Arthur drove his sword into Mordred with deadly accuracy, and

                 Mordred responded with his final lunge; it struck Arthur’s helmet and he fell.
                                                                                                                                                        Which Knight does Arthur pursue to France in the
                 Sir Bedivere, one of the first Knights of the Round Table, rushed to Arthur’s side,                                                                         Age of Valour?

                 knowing his king had received a mortal blow. Gasping for breath, Arthur requested
                                                                                                                                                  Rearrange the letters below to reveal the Fifth magical Name
                 two things of his most loyal knight; that he take his sword Excalibur and return it to

                 the Lady of the Lake and, secondly, that he carry Arthur to his final resting place on
                 the Isle of Avalon.
                                                                                                                                                   T        O        L        L        C        A        N        E

                 Bedivere honoured his king’s last requests and a further legend was born. Arthur
                 Pendragon’s body lies beneath a great mound and will remain there in peace until a
                 time when the kingdom is in greatest need. One can’t help but wonder if he will return
                 with the dragons.
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