Page 10 - Pen Dragon and the Age of King Arthur
P. 10

The Age of Nobility

                                   and how Arthur made a New Friend

                 Merlin came to realize that the changes the comet foretold did not affect King Uther
                 but the king’s future son, Arthur. When the time came, Merlin would be instructed to
                 watch over the young prince and he delighted in this prospect.

                 As Arthur grew, Merlin took matters fully in hand.  He oversaw not only his safety
                 and his education but ensured that his heart would be true and noble.

                 Having discovered years earlier that the secret from the sky had released Pen Dragon
                 into the kingdom, he knew that this dragon and the young prince’s future paths were
                 inseparably entwined. But how do you introduce a young boy safely to a dragon? It is
                 not without risk!

                 One summer’s day, Merlin decided to take the schooling of Arthur outside and away
                 from the castle. As they walked through a nearby forest, they realized that it was
                 strangely silent. Moving forward with more caution, they caught sight of a very strange
                 beast drinking from a pool. It was peculiar indeed, as its neck looked like a snake,

                 its body was covered in spots like a leopard, its upper legs like that of a lion with the
                 lower legs and feet of a deer. If you had seen it today you might think it was a Giraffe.
                 But this was a terrible, cursed creature and one bite would mean certain death. Men
                 tell the tale that Merlin and Arthur saw off the Questing Beast, and this is true.                                                        The Age of Nobility Puzzle

                 Well, mostly true.
                                                                                                                                                            What is the name of the cursed creature in the

                 It was the intervention of the young Pen Dragon that saved Arthur from a slow and                                                                          Age of Nobility?
                 torturous death.  Arthur, in gratitude to his new friend and powerful ally, wanted to
                                                                                                                                                    Rearrange the letters below to reveal the Third magical Name
                 share the truth of this adventure with his father and the entire court of Tintagel, but
                 Merlin forbade this.  It was imperative to keep Pen Dragon a secret from his father.
                 He knew Uther had a heart darkened by grief and the desire for control, and that he
                 would want to imprison the dragon and use his power for his own means.                                                             QUEENSTIGBAST

                 When the prince became King at the grand age of fifteen he applied all he had learned
                 in his youth and created a kingdom based on bravery and chivalry; these were the
                 foundations for the age of nobility.
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