Page 7 - Pen Dragon and the Age of King Arthur
P. 7
The Age of Promise
and how Arthur’s Name Came to Be
Back in the mists of time when chaos sought dominion over our universe, an event
unfolded in the constellation known as Draco that would weave its way into our
history. An icy ball was knocked off course and slowly began its journey towards our
planet. This was no ordinary comet as, deep within it, was an egg and, within this egg,
was a secret.
As this lonely traveller roamed the vastness of space and approached our Earth, the
heat of the sun made it expand into a spectacular flaming comet. This transformation
was observed by the wise men of the small island nation of Britannia and they
watched its progress for weeks with awe and wonder.
Throughout history comets have been the harbingers of change; they can bring about
either the rise or fall of fortunes. The young King Uther watched nervously from
Tintagel, his castle fortress in the South West of his kingdom. This celestial display
was unlike anything that Uther had seen before, and the comet had a strange shape
that had him perplexed. What could it mean? Would it bring him power and prosperity
or war and destruction?
Uther urgently demanded that his most trusted advisers and astrologers ascertain
what the timing and shape of the comet could portend, as it appeared to be that of a
blazing Dragon. This was a momentous observation that required immediate action
to ensure that this astronomical herald would not bring about disaster for their young The Age of Promise Puzzle
Note: This is the first puzzle that you need to solve.
Uther decreed that he would take the name of Pendragon, meaning Chief Dragon or
Leader. Then Uther Pendragon emblazoned his banners, crests and his armoured Make sure that you have downloaded and installed the Pen Dragon AR app
troops with the emblem of a mighty dragon in the hope he would be on the right side of to see the story unfold in 3D.
this story.
What is the name of the castle in the Age of Promise?
The name Pendragon was not really meant for him, however, as the true title of Pen Rearrange the letters below to reveal the First magical Name
Dragon was rightly owned by the secret that lay hidden within the flaming ball that
streaked across the cold night sky. This comet would change the future of the kingdom A L E T T I N G
of Britannia, but more specifically that of Uther’s future successor, Arthur.
With a mighty roar, the comet crashed close to an abandoned watchtower. In time
the impact settled and the earth cooled, revealing the egg. The little star child within
knew it had finally reached its home.