Page 1 - Midway District - March 2017
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Midway District

                                               K-State Research and Extension News

       March 2017                    Mark your calendar –                         improved muscle tone, drop in blood
       Newsletter                 and dust off your walking                       pressure are examples – fairly soon.
                                  shoes – March 19 to May                         Adding physical activity to a daily routine
             Michelle Beran                                                       is also helpful in managing weight. Many
        4-H Youth Development     13 are the dates for the                        previous participants often report pounds
                                  2017 edition of Walk                            and inches lost.
          Kansas, K-State Research
                                  and Extension’s annual                             The physical activity certainly
          Michelle Buchanan       eight-week fitness                              contributes to better health, but Walk
       Agronomy & Horticulture    challenge.                                      Kansas participants can also work on
                                                                                  increasing their nutrition over the 8-week           Walk Kansas                                  time frame too. Participants receive weekly
                                  challenges teams of six to                      encouragement via a nutrition and health
             Jamie Rathbun        log regular physical
    Family & Consumer Sciences    activity equivalent to                          newsletter, and are asked to track fruit and
                                  walking the 423 miles                           vegetable consumption, with a goal of
        from the state’s east to                        increasing health-promoting foods and
                                  west borders. Other                             decreasing foods that are higher in calories
            Kashly Schweer        cumulative distances are                        and fat, and offer fewer health benefits.
          Livestock Production    available for teams who
        want more of a challenge.                          There is a small cost to participate in the
                                                                                  program, $16, which includes a t-shirt.
                Liz Elmore           Choosing to do it together allows team       More information about Walk Kansas and
           Office Professional    members to do something that most could         registration is available in the Midway
         not do alone, The program is intended to        District Extension Offices and online:
                                  encourage individuals to add enjoyable,
             Sheila Thacker       health-promoting physical activity to their
           Office Professional    everyday lives. There’s no need to join a
         gym. Most people walk in their
                                  neighborhood or near their workplace     during a lunch hour or break. Walk Kansas
        Ellsworth 785-472-4442    is becoming increasingly popular as a
         Russell 785-483-3157     workplace wellness program, with

K-State Research and Extension    workplaces across the state sponsoring
is an equal opportunity provider  teams of employees.

           and employer.             Activity can be broken up into segments            that work for your schedule. For example,
                                  walking for 15 minutes twice a day can be
                                  just as effective as a longer workout in
                                  achieving 30 minutes of physical activity
                                  five or more days a week.

                                     Many who participate begin to realize
                                  benefits – more restful sleep, greater ability
                                  to manage stress, increased energy level,
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