Page 6 - Midway District - March 2017
P. 6

LIVESTOCK                                               KASHLY SCHWEER

Chute-side Pregnancy Data Entry

                       The use of mobile applications   including up to three breed or other descriptions.
                   for more efficient data collection   Select ‘Add/Skip’.
                   in the agricultural industry
                   continues to increase. The Beef         When you begin preg checking, have the person
                   Cattle Institute at Kansas State     who is inputting data select the management group.
                   University recently released the     Then select to add cattle. This allows you to input
                   Pregnancy Analytics mobile app       individual tag numbers, age group, Body Condition
                   for use by producers and             Score (BCS), breed and the days pregnant. As that
                   veterinarians. This tool allows you  female leaves the chute, click ‘Add/Next’ to input
to input pregnancy diagnosis information chute-         the next cow in line. Continue until you have
side with ease. It is available through both Apple      completed the management group, then select
and Andriod markets.                                    ‘Finished’.
   To begin, simply download the Pregnancy
Analytics from Google Play or the App Store.               Now you have several options for your data.
Create an account with a username and password.         You can leave the data on the device, email the file
   Input herd information. This can represent your      or view reports. The report gives a projected
entire herd or you can divide into management           calving season distribution based on 21-day
groups. Insert the date of pregnancy detection and      intervals. You can also view this based on cow age
the length of breeding season. Then choose ‘Next’.      or BCS. These charts can be sent via email as well.
Then input descriptive data about your herd
                                                           For more information about Pregnancy
                                                        Analytics and its potential uses in your operation,
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