Page 9 - Midway District - March 2017
P. 9

MICHELLE BERAN                                         4-H YOUTH DEVELOPMENT

4-H Grows Responsibility

   As a Russell County 4-H member, Elaina              was involved in the STEM (science, technology,
(Haberer) Garrett grew up appreciating the help        engineering, math) Educators Club and continued
she received from others and felt a responsibility to  her involvement and sense of responsibility in
pass that down to others.                              working with grade school students to use science
                                                       and math for special events and holidays.
   She had many opportunities to be responsible,
especially for others, in serving as counselor at 4-H     In the 2016 4-H Impact Survey, 95% of
camp, working with 4-H Day Camps, involvement          participants reported being comfortable making
as a Junior Leader and as a photography project        their own decisions. Additionally, 91% reported
leader.                                                having a plan for reaching their goals. Responsible
                                                       and strong decision-making skills enable a young
   “Someone helped me when I was younger and I         person to effectively navigate life.
helped teaching my siblings; that responsibility just
passes on through different age groups,” Garrett          Responsibility is defined as moral
said.                                                  accountability. Garrett lives this tenet day-to-day
                                                       as she sets an example for her students. She
   Garrett is now a high school math teacher at        continues to pass along skills and to “be
Pratt High School and credits 4-H with a solid         responsible by taking care of them” whether 4-H
background for teaching.                               members or students.

   She said, “4-H gave me a good sense of public          4-H Grows Here – Watch for our next
speaking which is basically what I do every day in
teaching!”                                             installment!

   While at Fort Hays State University, Garrett

                                                       Be Humble
                                                       Be Hungry
                                                       And always
                                                       Be the Hardest Worker in the Room
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