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In the world of motorcycle stunts, where speed and precision dominate, one name stands out among
      the rest: Sarah Lezito. As a French professional stunt rider, she has defied expectations, shattered
      gender norms, and established herself as one of the most respected figures in a sport traditionally
      dominated  by  men.  Lezito's  journey  from  a  passionate  young  rider  to  a  world-renowned  stunt
      performer is one of determination, grit, and an unrelenting desire to push the boundaries of what's
      possible on two wheels.

                                                her—it was a calling. The challenges,     Lezito's  rise  to  prominence  was  not
                                                the  adrenaline  rush,  and  the          just  a  personal  achievement  but  a
                                                opportunity  to  push  herself  both      victory for women in the motorcycle
                                                mentally  and  physically  captivated     world.  Stunt  riding,  like  many  other
                                                her.  She  made  the  bold  decision  to   m o t o r s p o r t s ,   h a d   b e e n
                                                pursue  stunt  riding  professionally,    overwhelmingly  male.  Female  riders
                                                despite  the  obvious  obstacles  she     were few and far between, and those
                                                would  face  as  a  woman  in  a  male-   who did make a name for themselves
                                                dominated sport.                          often had to work harder to be taken
                                                                                          seriously. But Sarah wasn't intimidated
                                                Breaking Barriers: Becoming a             by this.
                                                Professional Stunt Rider
                                                                                          Instead, she took on the challenge of
                                                In  a  world  where  stunt  riding  was   being  a  female  rider  in  a  male-
                                                almost exclusively performed by men,      dominated  sport  head-on,  using  her
                                                Sarah  Lezito's  decision  to  enter  the   talent  and  perseverance  to  prove  her
                                                field  was  both  revolutionary  and       worth.  Sarah  soon  found  herself
                                                courageous. The competitive nature of     performing at major events, traveling
                                                the  sport,  coupled  with  the  inherent   the world, and becoming an influential
                                                danger involved, made it a challenging    figure  in  the  motorcycle  community.
                                                environment  for  women.  However,        Her captivating performances, where
                                                Sarah's natural talent, combined with     she executed breathtaking stunts with
                                                her  relentless  work  ethic,  quickly
      Early  Life  and  the  Spark  of                                                    grace and precision, earned her a loyal
                                                earned her recognition.
      Passion                                                                             following  of  fans—both  men  and
                                                Lezito's early years in stunt riding were   women.
      Sarah  Lezito's  love  for  motorcycles   marked by hours of practice, training,
      didn't begin with a childhood dream to    and  honing  her  skills.  She  dedicated   Beyond  just  performing,  Lezito
      become  a  stunt  rider.  Rather,  it  was   herself  to  learning  everything  she   became a symbol of empowerment for
      born out of a general love for speed,     could about controlling a motorcycle      young women interested in the world
      freedom, and a desire to explore the      at  extreme  angles,  performing          of motorcycles. She demonstrated that
      world on two wheels. Growing up in        controlled  slides,  wheelies,  stoppies,   passion,  skill,  and  dedication  could
      the south of France, Sarah was exposed    and  other  complex  maneuvers.  She      transcend  gender  and  that  women
      to the vibrant motorcycle culture at an   attended stunt riding events, watched     could excel in motorsports as much as
      early  age,  and  her  fascination  with   the best riders in the world, and worked   men.  Through  her  hard  work  and
      motorcycles  soon  turned  into  a  full-  tirelessly to perfect her technique      resilience,  Sarah  has  become  a  role
      blown passion.                                                                      model for aspiring riders, proving that
                                                By 2011, Lezito had already begun to      the  world  of  stunt  riding  is  open  to
      She  began  riding  motorcycles  in  her   gain  a  reputation  in  the  stunt  riding   everyone, regardless of gender.
      teenage years, starting with a dirt bike   community. Her fearlessness, coupled
      before  transitioning  to  road  bikes.   with an uncanny ability to manipulate
      While  many  teenagers  were  content     her bike with precise movements, set
      with  casual  rides,  Lezito's  mind  was   her  apart  from  the  pack.  Sarah's
      already looking at ways to master her     commitment  to  mastering  new  and
      machine.  Her  interest  in  motorcycle   difficult tricks was unmatched, and this
      stunts,  particularly  in  the  intricate   began to attract attention from major
      balance and precision required, grew      motorcycle  brands,  event  organizers,
      rapidly,  and  soon,  she  was  watching   and fans alike..
      YouTube videos of professional stunt
      riders, absorbing every move and trick    The  Rise  to  Stardom:  Defying
      with admiration.                          Gender Expectations

      It  wasn't  long  before  Sarah  realized   In  an  industry  where  female
      that stunt riding wasn't just a hobby for   representation  is  still  limited,  Sarah

        LHR Motorcycle Magazine Issue 11                                                                                                         March 2025
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