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mastering motorcycle stunts.              performance that makes her stand out
                                                                                          from other riders.
                                                Some  of  Sarah's  most  iconic  stunts
                                                include  complex  wheelies,  extreme      Another  aspect  of  her  style  is  her
                                                stoppies (where the back wheel lifts off   emphasis  on  safety  and  precision.
                                                the ground while the front remains in     While stunt riding is inherently risky,
                                                contact), and riding on one wheel for     Sarah has always prioritized safety in
                                                extended  periods  of  time.  However,    her  performances.  She  is  meticulous
                                                it's not just the difficulty of the tricks   about preparation, constantly training
                                                that makes her stunts remarkable—it's     to improve her skills and techniques to
                                                the elegance and style with which she     ensure that she can execute her stunts
                                                executes  them.  Whether  she's           with  the  utmost  accuracy.  Her
                                                performing a daring burnout or pulling    commitment to safety also extends to
                                                off  a  high-speed  drift,  Lezito's       her audience, as she works with event
                                                performances  are  a  perfect  blend  of   organizers  to  make  sure  that  her
                                                technical mastery and artistry.           performances  are  executed  in
                                                                                          controlled environments.

                                                                                          Breaking New Grounds: Using
                                                                                          Social  Media  and  YouTube  to
                                                                                          As the world of stunt riding evolved,
      Achievements  and  Notable
                                                                                          so too did Sarah Lezito's approach to
                                                                                          reaching her audience. With the rise of
      Sarah  Lezito's  career  is  filled  with                                            social media platforms like Instagram,
      s i g n i fi c a n t   m i l e s t o n e s   a n d                                   Facebook, and YouTube, Sarah saw an
      unforgettable  stunts  that  have                                                   opportunity to connect with fans and
      solidified  her  place  in  the  history  of                                         inspire future riders. She became an
      motorcycle  stunt  riding.  She  has                                                active  presence  on  these  platforms,
      consistently pushed the boundaries of                                               regularly  sharing  her  riding
      what's possible on two wheels, and her                                              experiences,  tips,  and  behind-the-
      groundbreaking  performances  have                                                  scenes moments with her followers.
      earned her respect from riders and fans                                             Her YouTube  channel  has  become  a
      worldwide.                                                                          treasure trove for aspiring stunt riders,
      One  of  Sarah's  most  notable                                                     with  detailed  tutorials,  stunt
      achievements was becoming the first                                                  performance  videos,  and  vlogs
      woman to compete in the prestigious                                                 chronicling  her  career  and  travels.
      International  Stunt  Riding              The  Evolution  of  Her  Riding           Sarah's social media presence has not
      Championship  in  2013. This  event,      Style                                     only  expanded  her  fan  base  but  has
      often  regarded  as  one  of  the  most                                             also  served  as  a  platform  for
      difficult and competitive competitions      Sarah Lezito's riding style has evolved   promoting the sport and encouraging
      in the world of stunt riding, marked a    significantly over the years. While she    more women to get involved.
      major turning point in Lezito's career.   started with basic tricks like wheelies   Influence  on  the  Stunt  Riding
      Her  performance  in  the  competition    and stoppies, her skillset expanded as
      not  only  proved  her  skill  but  also   she experimented with more advanced      Community
      showcased her ability to hold her own     and  creative  stunts.  One  of  the  key   Sarah  Lezito's  influence  extends
      against some of the best riders in the    factors  that  have  helped  Sarah        beyond just her performances. She is
      world.                                    maintain her edge in the sport is her     an  advocate  for  the  growth  and
                                                ability  to  innovate  and  create  new   promotion  of  stunt  riding  as  a
      Additionally, Sarah has been involved     tricks.
      in multiple motorcycle promotional                                                  legitimate  motorsport,  working  to
      tours  for  renowned  brands  like        Lezito  is  known  for  her  ability  to   bring  greater  visibility  to  the  sport
      Yamaha,  and  she  has  appeared  in      incorporate fluidity and style into her    through  her  public  appearances,
      international  stunt  shows  and  film     riding. Instead of simply completing      interviews, and media collaborations.
      productions.  Her  dedication  to  the    stunts for the sake of impressing the     Her rise in the stunt riding world has
      craft  has  also  led  her  to  become  a   audience, she focuses on making her     undoubtedly  opened  doors  for  many
      sought-after  instructor  and  mentor,    moves seem effortless. The transitions     other  women  who  previously  felt
      guiding younger generations of riders     between  tricks  flow  seamlessly,         excluded from the scene.
      and  teaching  them  the  secrets  to     creating  a  visually  captivating

        LHR Motorcycle Magazine Issue 11                                                                                                         March 2025
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