Page 42 - February Edition 2025_Neat
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This engine has earned a reputation for being
both powerful and reliable
Design and Styling: Subtle Yet further optimize performance for rider remains in control, whether
Effective Tweaks touring enthusiasts. The power navigating tight urban streets or
output remains at a healthy 100 cruising on the open highway.
At first glance, the 2025 Honda
N T 11 0 0 a p p e a r s l a r g e l y horsepower, but the torque curve The 17-inch wheels are shod with
unchanged from its predecessor. has been refined to deliver high-quality touring tires that
However, a closer inspection smoother acceleration across a provide excellent grip in various
reveals subtle updates aimed at wider range of RPMs. conditions. Additionally, Honda
enhancing both aesthetics and One of the standout features of has equipped the NT1100 with a
functionality. The fairing has been the NT1100 is its Dual Clutch new traction control system for
slightly redesigned to improve Transmission (DCT) option. For 2025, which enhances safety by
aerodynamics and provide better 2025, the DCT system has been preventing wheel slip during
wind protection for the rider. updated with improved shift sudden acceleration or on
Honda's engineers have also mapping, making gear transitions slippery surfaces.
refined the bike's side panniers, even more seamless. Riders can Comfort and Ergonomics: Built
which now feature a sleeker also choose between manual and for the Long Haul
design that integrates seamlessly automatic modes, allowing for a
with the overall silhouette. tailored riding experience. Comfort is a key selling point for
the NT1100, and Honda has
The NT1100's color palette has Fuel efficiency remains a strong made further improvements for
been updated for 2025, offering suit for the NT1100, with the 2025 2025. The rider's seat now
three new vibrant options: model achieving an impressive features updated padding and
Metallic Blue Sapphire, Pearl 55 miles per gallon. This contouring, ensuring better
White, and Matte Gray Metallic. efficiency translates to fewer support during long rides. The
These fresh colors enhance the stops at the gas station, a critical pillion seat has also been
bike's visual appeal and ensure factor for long-distance touring. redesigned, making the NT1100
that it remains modern and more passenger-friendly.
The bike's ergonomics are top-
One of the more practical notch, with a relaxed riding
changes involves the adjustable position that reduces fatigue on
windscreen, which now offers a extended journeys. Honda has
broader range of motion. Riders retained the heated grips and
of varying heights will appreciate cruise control as standard
the increased flexibility, ensuring features, both of which are
o p t i m a l w i n d p r o t e c t i o n invaluable for touring.
regardless of their size or riding
C h a s s i s a n d H a n d l i n g : The NT1100's wind protection
Confidence-Inspiring Stability
position. has been significantly enhanced,
thanks to the redesigned fairing
The 2025 Honda NT1100's
chassis has been subtly tweaked and adjustable windscreen.
to enhance stability and handling. Honda's engineers have also
H o n d a h a s r e v i s e d t h e added larger handguards,
suspension setup, providing a providing additional protection
slightly firmer feel that improves against the elements. For riders
cornering performance without who frequently tour in colder
compromising ride comfort. The climates, these updates will be
S h o w a s u s p e n s i o n particularly appreciated.
Engine Performance: Smooth components—a 43mm inverted Technology and Connectivity:
and Reliable fork up front and a preload- Packed with Features
adjustable rear shock—offer
The 2025 NT1100 retains its tried- excellent feedback and control. The 2025 NT1100 comes loaded
and-true 1,084cc parallel-twin with technology to keep riders
engine, borrowed from the Africa Riders will appreciate the connected and informed. The
Twin. This engine has earned a NT1100's low center of gravity, centerpiece is the updated 6.5-
reputation for being both powerful which makes the bike feel stable inch TFT touchscreen display,
and reliable, and Honda has even at low speeds. The wide which now boasts improved
made minor adjustments to handlebars and comfortable resolution and responsiveness.
seating position ensure that the
LHR Motorcycle Magazine Issue 10 February 2025