Page 46 - February Edition 2025_Neat
P. 46

2025 Kawasaki Ninja 1100SX SE Review: Classy


                                                and updated fuel injection system, the
                                                engine  response  is  crisp,  ensuring
                                                seamless  transitions  through  the  rev
                                                The  2025  model  also  introduces
                                                r e v i s e d   i n t e r n a l s ,   i n c l u d i n g
                                                lightweight  pistons  and  enhanced
                                                cylinder coatings, which contribute to
                                                improved  thermal  efficiency  and
                                                durability. The Ninja's quickshifter has   Comfort and Touring Features:
      Design and Aesthetics: Elegance           been  refined  for  even  smoother
      Meets Aggression                          clutchless gear changes, adding to the    Luxury on Two Wheels
                                                thrill of spirited riding.                Sport-touring motorcycles must excel
      From the moment you set eyes on the                                                 in comfort, and the Ninja 1100SX SE
      Ninja 1100SX SE, it's clear that this                                               doesn't  disappoint.  Kawasaki  has
      motorcycle is a head-turner. Kawasaki                                               introduced  a  new  seat  design  with
      has  refined  the  aerodynamics  and                                                 multi-layered  foam  and  an  anti-slip
      styling,  giving  the  bike  a  sleek  and                                          surface, ensuring rider and passenger
      aggressive profile while maintaining a                                               comfort  even  on  long  journeys.  The
      touch  of  elegance  that  appeals  to                                              heated seat feature, now standard on
      mature riders. The front end features                                               the SE model, is a welcome addition
      sharper LED headlights paired with a                                                for cold-weather riding.
      redesigned windscreen, which not only
      enhances  its  visual  appeal  but  also                                            The  redesigned  windscreen  is  now
      improves  wind  deflection  for  long-                                               electronically  adjustable,  allowing
      distance touring.                         Chassis and Handling: Precision           riders to tweak its position on the fly.
                                                Redefined                                  This feature, combined with improved
      The  bike's  color  scheme  for  2025                                               aerodynamics,  significantly  reduces
      introduces a luxurious metallic black     Kawasaki's  engineers  have  worked       wind  buffeting  at  highway  speeds.
      base  with  subtle  gold  accents  that   tirelessly  to  make  the  Ninja  1100SX   Additionally,  the  bike's  ergonomics
      highlight its contours. The bodywork      SE a dream to handle. The trellis frame,   have  been  subtly  refined,  with
      has been fine-tuned to ensure smooth       constructed  from  high-tensile  steel,   adjustable handlebars and footpegs to
      airflow, adding to both aesthetics and     provides the perfect balance between      accommodate riders of various sizes.
      performance.  A  full-color  6.5-inch     rigidity and flexibility. The 2025 model
      TFT display integrates seamlessly into    features  a  slightly  revised  geometry,   Practicality is another area where the
      the  cockpit,  offering  customizable      improving stability at high speeds and    Ninja  1100SX  SE  shines.  The  2025
      views and a modern interface.             agility in tight corners.                 model  comes  with  integrated  hard
                                                                                          saddlebags as standard, offering ample
                                                The Ninja 1100SX SE is equipped with
                                                Kawasaki's  KECS  (Kawasaki               storage  for  weekend  trips  or  daily
                                                                                          commutes. A USB charging port and
                                                Electronic  Control  Suspension)          smartphone  connectivity  via
                                                system,  now  upgraded  with  faster
                                                response  times  and  new  damping        Kawasaki's Rideology app add to the
                                                algorithms.  The  electronically          bike's convenience.
                                                adjustable  front  and  rear  suspension
                                                ensure optimal ride quality regardless
                                                of road conditions. Riders can switch
                                                between  Sport,  Road,  and  Comfort
      Engine  Performance:  Power               modes with ease, adapting the bike's
                                                handling to their preferences.
                                                The inclusion of Bridgestone Battlax
      At the heart of the Ninja 1100SX SE
      lies  a  1,104cc  inline-four  engine,  an   T32 tires as standard adds to the bike's
      evolution  of  Kawasaki's  proven         exceptional  grip  and  feedback.
      powerplants.  Delivering  a  jaw-         Combined  with  the  latest  IMU-         Technology  and  Electronics:
      dropping 160 horsepower and 88 lb-ft      powered  electronics,  including          Cutting-Edge Innovations
      of torque, this engine offers a perfect    cornering ABS and traction control, the   Kawasaki has always been at the
      blend  of  raw  power  and  smooth        Ninja  1100SX  SE  offers  confidence-      forefront of motorcycle technology,
      delivery.  Thanks  to  Kawasaki's         inspiring control in all scenarios.       and the Ninja 1100SX SE is no
      advanced  electronic  throttle  control

        LHR Motorcycle Magazine Issue 10                                                                                             February 2025
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