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volunteers ensure that the Foundation's programs
reach as many children as possible
· programs. dreams. Communities
T h e F o u n d a t i o n a l s o C o l l a b o r a t i o n a n d T h e K i d s C a n C a n c e r
organizes support groups Partnerships Foundation has made a
where families can share The success of the Kids Can profound impact on the lives
e x p e r i e n c e s , b u i l d Cancer Foundation relies on of countless children and
connections, and find solace strong partnerships with families across South Africa.
in knowing they are not alone o t h e r o r g a n i z a t i o n s , Some key achievements
. healthcare providers, and include:
3. Advocacy for Policy community leaders. By · Increasing Early
Change working together, these Diagnosis Rates:
Addressing systemic barriers g r o u p s a m p l i f y t h e i r A w a r e n e s s
t o c h i l d h o o d c a n c e r collective impact and ensure c a m p a i g n s h a v e
t r e a t m e n t i s a n o t h e r that resources are allocated significantly improved
c o r n e r s t o n e o f t h e effectively. e a r l y d e t e c t i o n ,
Foundation's work. By leading to better
collaborating with healthcare Healthcare Partnerships treatment outcomes.
p o l i c y m a k e r s , t h e The Foundation collaborates · Reducing Financial
Foundation advocates for: with hospitals, clinics, and Burden: Financial
· Increased funding for pediatric oncologists to assistance programs
pediatric oncology provide children with access have helped families
services. to high-quality care. These focus on their child's
· Improved training for partnerships also facilitate recovery without the
h e a l t h c a r e training programs for medical a d d e d s t r e s s o f
p r o f e s s i o n a l s t o professionals to improve medical bills.
diagnose and treat early detection and treatment · B u i l d i n g a
childhood cancer. rates. S u p p o r t i v e
· Expansion of cancer Corporate Sponsorships Community: Support
c a r e f a c i l i t i e s , Corporate sponsors play a g r o u p s a n d
especially in rural vital role in funding the counseling services
areas. Foundation's programs. h a v e p r o v i d e d
The Foundation also lobbies Companies often contribute emotional strength to
for legislation to protect the through direct donations, families navigating the
rights of children with cancer, e m p l o y e e f u n d r a i s i n g cancer journey.
including access to education initiatives, or sponsoring · Creating Survivors'
and healthcare. specific campaigns such as Success Stories:
the “Smile Through the M a n y c h i l d h o o d
4. Survivor Empowerment Storm” initiative, which c a n c e r s u r v i v o r s
For many children who provides toys and care supported by the
survive cancer, the journey p a c k a g e s t o c h i l d r e n Foundation have gone
does not end with remission. undergoing treatment. o n t o a c h i e v e
Survivors often face long- a c a d e m i c a n d
term physical, emotional, and Volunteer Network personal milestones,
social challenges. The Kids Volunteers are the heart of serving as inspirations
Can Cancer Foundation t h e F o u n d a t i o n . F r o m to others.
supports these children by: o r g a n i z i n g e v e n t s t o T h e F o u n d a t i o n ' s
· Providing mentorship p r o v i d i n g o n e - o n - o n e comprehensive approach
programs to help s u p p o r t t o f a m i l i e s , ensures that its impact is felt
survivors navigate volunteers ensure that the not only by individuals but
post-cancer life. Foundation's programs a l s o b y t h e b r o a d e r
· Hosting workshops to reach as many children as healthcare system and
build confidence and possible. The organization society.
life skills. continually seeks to expand
· Offering scholarships its volunteer network, Challenges and the Road
a n d v o c a t i o n a l particularly in underserved Ahead
training opportunities areas. Despite its successes, the
to ensure survivors Kids Can Cancer Foundation
c a n p u r s u e t h e i r Impact on South African faces numerous challenges.
LHR Motorcycle Magazine Issue 10 February 2025