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COURSE UPDATE                                                                              GOLF RESULTS
                            GOLF RESULTS

                               THE   WINNERS  FROM  OUR  RE CENT  EVENTS

               MONTH                COMPETITION           FORMAT                WINNER(S)

                                    Sunday Stableford     Stableford            Cameron Mackay
                                    Mid-week Stableford   Stableford            Christopher Colclough
                                    Christmas Scramble    Texas Scramble        Paul Coop, Alastair Graham,
                                                                                Leonard Rosso, Adam Wells
                                    Ladies Christmas Scramble  Texas Scramble      John Coughlan, Elizabeth Doody,
                                                                                Tanya Epshtein, Margie Hanley
                                    Junior Christmas Scramble  Texas Scramble      William Clark, Alexandra Epshtein,
                                                                                R  e  g  g  i  e     F  e  a  r
 COURSE UPDATE                      Festive Fourball        Stableford          Philip Leonard, Andrew Pendlebury,

                                                                                Sam Pendlebury, Michael Wright


                                    Ladies Greensomes Pairs   Greensomes        Geraldine Lomas, Irene Mathieu
                                    Ladies 7 Club Stableford   Stableford       Patricia Leon
                                    Men’s Monthly Stableford   Stableford       Jack Kurzberg
 fter the wettest winter months since 2013, and the wettest   In terms of work elsewhere around the Courses, Clarke is once            Ladies Stableford     Stableford      Grace Bishop
 February since we started taking records back in 2011, it’s   again  positive  about  where  the  Club  sits  right  now.  “We’ve
 fair to say the greenkeeping staff have had a busy time of   undertaken  a  number  of  projects  despite  the  limitations  we’ve
 Ait out on the course. Following on from the success of the   faced in the rain and the storms. A number of woodland
 BMW  PGA  Championship  last  year,  though,  Dan  Clarke  and  his   management tasks have been completed or significantly advanced,
 team have been taking on every challenge that has been thrown   FEBRUARY
 their way, including the current situation.  including  some  reactionary  work  caused  by  the            Ladies 4BBB Pairs     Stableford      Niki Daly, Sarah Norris
 “We had no   storms. On the West Course, the green recovery is on
 “Our main priority is the health & safety of our team   temporary greens   schedule, while the collars are bedding in and now the            Ladies Las Vegas     Stableford      Margie Hanley, Joanna Howard, Ghost
 and their families,” explains Clarke, who has been Golf   turf is rooted, we will concentrate on establishing the
 Courses Manager since XXX. “We are taking measures   despite the   correct  levels.  We  also  managed  some  pencil  tine            Junior Stableford     Stableford      Jamie Everett
 to ensure the team are adhering to social distancing   wettest winter   aeration of the greens in February, which has helped            Monthly Stableford    Stableford      Ben Goodrich
 and personal hygiene. Despite this, we are retaining a   since 2013”  them to be in a good condition.
 skeleton crew for the foreseeable future to maintain            Ladies Stableford     Stableford      Susan Hussain
 the Courses and ensure that when we do re-open, we   “The areas affected by spectators and scoreboards at
 are back to the high standards we strive for in the shortest period of   the BMW PGA Championship have fully recovered, while we have
 time.  installed a woodchip walkway to the first tee of the East Course.
 “The weather has played in our favour, with some cold windy days   “These are just some of the tasks we have been undertaking, but of   MARCH
 limiting growth, but the rising temperatures will no doubt keep our   course the weather has            Sunday Stableford     Stableford      Jack Roberts
 team very busy.”
 restricted  us  on                 Winter Salver & Lunch   Stableford          Jeremy Dale, Noel Grummitt,
 As for the wet weather that the team have been faced with in recent   numerous occasions.                              Alan Lindsay, Ian Osborna
 months, Clarke admits that it was a tough run from the tournament            Ladies 3-Ball Drawn Alliance  Stableford      Niki Daly, Emily Ewens, Mel Martell
 in September right through to the early months of 2020. “We had   “The current situation is
 to close the West Course for 16 days in February, and the East and   strange  for  all  of  us,  but            Men’s Gold Cup      Medal         Team England
 Edinburgh for five and four days respectively. Thankfully, effective   when we reach the other            Junior Stableford     Stableford      Joshua Balson-Scales
 drainage  installed  over  recent  years  meant  that  no  temporary   side,  we  will  be  ready  to
 greens were needed, and the wet weather also allowed us to identify   welcome you back to our            Ladies Crystal Trophy   Stableford      Frances Aiken, Fiona Rickard
 areas that need drainage work for the future.  world class Golf Course.

 10 / The Club   SPRING 2020  www.WENTWORTHCLUB.COM                                                 11 / The Club
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