Page 7 - WW_Magazine-TheClub-Spring2020-A4P
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Dear Members, friends & the Wentworth team, When I arrived in
the UK 10 years ago, I’d never have dreamt of such a privilege –
being your Lady Captain at Wentworth. I am delighted and very
much looking forward it.
Obviously these are strange and testing times we find ourselves
in, but I promise that I will do my best to make this a wonderful
NEW BEGINNINGS year for all of you once we get back to the Club, and back to doing
what we love.
The ladies’ section may be relatively small, but we are passionate
and love our golf. Our ladies have done us proud, being the 2019
champions of the prestigious Centennial Bowl and the Gulland
ear Members, Friends & the Wentworth Team. Despite these Trophies and our Juniors winning various regional competitions.
difficult and different times, it is an honour to be writing to
you as your Captain of Wentworth for 2020. As a 12-year-old I intend to continue nurturing this strong competitive, team spirit
Dkid, living in a small town in Louisiana, I can remember my but at the same time, also balancing it with more occasions for
Dad asking me what I wanted to do when I grew up - a teacher, like he fun, social golf to encourage more participation.
and my Mom, a professional baseball or basketball player, a doctor or a
lawyer perhaps? Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would have the I wholeheartedly support the R&A’s launch of the Women in Golf
opportunity to become Captain of one of the greatest Clubs in the Charter. It’s a strong commitment to get more women and girls
world. I am truly humbled. I will embrace this opportunity in all that I do playing golf, inspiring more families to enjoy golf together and
and serve the club and its members proudly. encouraging more opportunities for women to work in golf. As
Lady Captain, I intend to be our strongest advocate. We have a
growing group of avid new lady golfers & I’m keen to help them
I know we are in unchartered territory right now, but it has been great to
see so many Members using the Club and maintaining social distances get a handicap or simply to enjoy the camaraderie of social golf.
where needed. Now that the Club has closed, I hope you and your The Ladies’ ‘Tea & Tee’ Events introduced this year, have been a
families are all keeping well, and I look forward to seeing you all once this huge success already. With talks, menu tastings and expert advice
unsettled period has passed. all sprinkled on top of a social nine holes of golf, the regular event
has proved very popular, and it has been wonderful to see some
Over the past year, our golf section reached new heights under Jerry new faces take part.
Martell’s stewardship. From our inaugural trip to TPC Sawgrass to his
incredible charity work, Jerry has had a positive impact across our I’d like to thank Silvia for all her efforts and dedication in keeping
organisation, with strong support from so many of you. 2019 running smoothly. I am looking forward to an enjoyable
time, working with the new ladies’ committee, Michelle, Patricia,
I intend to follow the lead of Jerry and other previous captains – and to Margie, Olivia & Lorraine - a great combination of skills and talent.
honour the incredible history of Wentworth – throughout my captaincy. I am also looking forward to partnering with Todd, our new Club
The Wentworth Foundation is an incredible part of Wentworth, and I Captain; Neil & his team; & with Reignwood & their continued
want to help it benefit more from our charity, as our work benefits the investment, as the Club moves into the new decade.
lives of others. I will be introducing a Mentor Programme to ensure that
our Scholars have the help they need off the courses & the courts, as Club life at Wentworth is undoubtedly exciting and with a packed
well as on them. I will be working closely with Patricia Leon to help the golf and social calendar in 2020, I hope you are looking forward
Scholars on their journey. Life doesn’t always end with sport, so we to it as much as I am. I can’t wait to get back into the swing of
want to use our rich tapestry of Membership to help the Scholars put in things soon.
place the best platform for their future. In conclusion, my mantra is exceedingly simple: to enjoy our golf
and to enjoy our club - and if I can play my part in this, I will be
On the course, I plan to work to increase the social element to our golf This is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of the year ahead, most delighted.
days at the Club. We will be hosting events tied in with the sporting and we’ll be sure to continue sharing our plans with you.
calendar for Members to enjoy a round of golf followed by some sport For now, stay safe.
spectating in the Burma Bar. The Gold Cup, the Masters Cup, and the Whether you’re a new or long-time Member, come say hi and
March Winter Salver were all fantastic events, and later in the year we let’s catch up about the Club and what you would like to get Thank you.
will look to create more occasions where golfers can mingle and enjoy out of it. It’s going to be a great year once we all get back to
the Club after the round, as well as before. normality. I can’t wait to share it all with you. Sharon Ee
I am also excited to focus on our expanding charity work, and the Thank you,
Captains’ Charity Ball will be a major part of this. We will also have
plenty going on throughout the year, and I can’t wait to share these and Todd K. Patrick
other enjoyable occasions with you.
6 / The Club SPRING 2020 www.WENTWORTHCLUB.COM 7 / The Club