Page 2 - Workbook-Taglit Unit 3-Neat-121217
P. 2
Unit 3 13
Now write down your telephone number
ַהטלפֹון ֶש ִלי
Ask people for their telephone numbers using the
What’s your phone (number)? (m) ?ַמה ַה ֵט ֵלפֹון ׁ ֶׁש ְלָך
What’s your phone (number)? (f) ?ַמה ַהטלפֹון ֶש ָּלְך
Write down phone numbers (after getting those in Hebrew only)
of the people around you: friends, teacher, bus driver, soldier etc..
in the following chart.
Read aloud the numbers in Hebrew.
Name Telephone
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