Page 4 - Workbook-Taglit Unit 3-Neat-121217
P. 4

4.  Unit 3 20                           Unit 3, Track 7

                       Dialogue 2:
         What's Your Telephone Number?

    Fill in the blanks

                     English                 ‫ִע ְב ִרית‬
    Good morning,
    how are you (m)?                ,_________________
    Good.                                          ?‫ָּמה ְשלֹו ְמָך‬
    How (about) you (f)?
    Cool.                                                 .‫טֹוב‬
    What's your (m) phone number?        ?______________

    453-741-3902                    ._________________
                                             ?‫ָּמה ַהטלפֹון ֶש ְלָך‬
    Great, see you.
                                   ,‫ ְש ַת ִים‬,_________ ,‫ֶא ֶפס‬
                                    ‫ ת ַשע‬,‫ ְשמֹו ֶנה‬,________

                                                  ‫ ַא ַחת‬,‫ְש ַת ִים‬
                                       ‫ ָּשלֹוש‬,___________

                                     .‫ ְל ִה ְת ָּראֹות‬,_________

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