Page 36 - NL-2020-Unit 11_Neat 060722
P. 36

              NL, Unit 11


Exercise: Listen to the audio and fill the missing words and prepositions
in the blank spaces.

        Yoel wants Orly to become his girlfriend

Person        English                              ‫ִע ְב ִרית‬
                                          ?________ ‫ ָׁמה‬,‫ַהי יֹו ֵּאל‬
Orly Hi, Yoel. What’s up?
                                                   ?‫ ָׁמה ִא ָׁתְך‬.‫ַאח ָׁלה‬
Yoel Great, and what about [with] you?
                                                  ‫ ֵּאי ֹפה‬,‫ יֹו ֵּאל‬.‫מע ֶּלה‬
Orly Super. Yoel, Where’s your friend       ?‫_______ ֶּשלָך ִמי ָׁכ ֵּאל‬
                                                     .‫הּוא ב ֵּתל ָׁא ִביב‬
Yoel He’s in Tel Aviv.                        _______ _______
         Where’s your friend Deena?
                                                          ?‫ֶּש ָׁלְך ִדי ָׁנה‬
Orly She’s in Tel Aviv too.                      .‫ִהיא ַגם ב ֵּתל ָׁא ִביב‬

Yoel Really?                                                 ?‫ַואל ָׁלה‬

Orly Yeah, Deena and Michael are                    ‫ ִדי ָׁנה ּו ִמי ָׁכ ֵּאל‬,‫ֵּכן‬
         friends! Don't you know?         ?‫_______! ַא ָׁתה ל ֹא יֹו ֵּד ַע‬
                                           ?_______ ‫ ֵּיש ָׁלְך‬,‫אֹור ִלי‬
Yoel Orly, do you have a boyfriend?
                                                ...‫ ֲא ִני ל ֹא יֹו ַד ַעת‬...‫א‬
Orly Umm… I don’t know…                     ?_______ ‫ לָך ֵּיש‬,‫יֹו ֵּאל‬
         Yoel, Do you have a girlfriend?

Yoel Umm… yeah.                                              .‫ ֵּכן‬..‫ַא‬
Orly Really? Who?                                       ?‫ֶּבא ֶּמת? ִמי‬
Yoel You. You are my girlfriend…          ...‫ ַאת _______ ֶּש ִלי‬.‫ַאת‬

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