Page 30 - Taglit-Unit 10-RB-PHONETIC-fp_Neat-240915-V2311-NPW
P. 30

Unit 10                   30                Unit 10, Track 10


                              Things are warming up.
        Orly invites Yoel for breakfast to a coffee shop - BEIT KAFE'

Person          English                 PHONETIC            ‫ִע ְב ִרית‬
                                                     ‫ ָמה ַא ְת אֹו ֶה ֶבת‬,‫אֹו ְר ִלי‬
Yoel    Orly, what do you         ORLI, MA AT
Orly    like to eat in the        OHEVET LE’EKHOL              ?‫ֶלא ֹכל ַב ֹב ֶקר‬
        morning?                  BA’BOKER?
Yoel    In the morning I                              ‫ַב ֹב ֶקר ֲא ִני ל ֹא אֹו ֶה ֶבת‬
Orly    don’t like to eat         BA’BOKER ANI LO              .‫ֶלא ֹכל ַה ְר ֵּבה‬
Yoel    much. I’m on a diet.      O’HEVET LE’EKHOL            .‫ֲא ִני ְב ִדי ֶא ָטה‬
        I like to eat just a      HARBE. ANI
        small salad and drink     BE’DI’ETA. ANI      ‫ֲא ִני אֹו ֶה ֶבת ֶלא ֹכל ַרק‬
        a small café au lait.     OHEVET LE’EKHOL       ‫ ְו ִל ְשתֹות‬,‫ָס ָלט ָק ָטן‬
        What do you like to       RAK SALAT KATAN,         .‫ָק ֶפה ָהפּוְך ָק ָטן‬
        eat in the morning?       VE’LISHTOT KAFE
                                  HAFUKH KATAN.       ‫ָמה ַא ָתה אֹו ֵּהב ֶלא ֹכל‬
        In the morning I like     MA ATA OHEV                        ?‫ַב ֹב ֶקר‬
        to eat a lot. I’m not     LE’EKHOL
        on a diet. I like to eat  BA’BOKER?          ‫ַב ֹב ֶקר ֲא ִני אֹו ֵּהב ֶלא ֹכל‬
        a big salad and a big                                ‫ ֲא ִני ל ֹא‬.‫ַה ְר ֵּבה‬
        (piece of) toast and      BABOKER ANI OHEV                .‫ְב ִדי ֶא ָטה‬
        Turkish coffee. Oh,       LE’EKHOL HARBE.
        I'm really hungry         ANI LO BEDI’ETA.    ‫ֲא ִני אֹו ֵּהב ֶלא ֹכל ָס ָלט‬
        now.                      ANI OHEV          ‫ָגדֹול ְוטֹו ְסט ָגדֹול ו ָק ֶפה‬
                                  LE’EKHOL SALAT
        Hmm… you know             GADOL VE’TOST                      .‫טּו ְר ִקי‬
        what? I want to           GADOL VE’KAFE        ‫ ֲא ִני ָבא ֶמת ָר ֵּעב‬,‫אֹוי‬
        invite you to a café.     TURKI. OY, ANI
                                  BE’EMET RA’EV                       .‫ַע ְכ ָשו‬
        Great. Let’s go to        AKHSHAV.          ‫ ַא ָתה יֹו ֵּד ַע ָמה? ֲא ִני‬...‫מ‬
        café “Aroma”, I like      HMM… ATA YODE’A
        the coffee there.         MA? ANI ROTZA         ‫רֹו ָצה ְל ַה ְז ִמין אֹו ְתָך‬
                                  LE'HAZMIN OTKHA                .‫ְל ֵּבית ָק ֶפה‬
                                  LEBEIT KAFE.
                                                       ‫ בֹו ִאי ֵּנ ֵּלְך ְל ָק ֶפה‬.‫ֹי ִפי‬
                                  YOFI. BOI NELEKH    ‫ ֲא ִני אֹו ֵּהב‬,"‫" ָארֹו ָמה‬
                                  LE’KAFE AROMA,
                                  ANI OHEV ET               .‫ֶאת ַה ָק ֶפה ָשם‬
                                  HA’KAFE SHAM.

Now watch the video again and get prepared to act it out.

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                             .‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
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