Page 30 - Taglit-Unit 10-RB-PHONETIC-fp_Neat-240915-V2311-NPW
P. 30
Unit 10 30 Unit 10, Track 10
Things are warming up.
Orly invites Yoel for breakfast to a coffee shop - BEIT KAFE'
Person English PHONETIC ִע ְב ִרית
ָמה ַא ְת אֹו ֶה ֶבת,אֹו ְר ִלי
Yoel Orly, what do you ORLI, MA AT
Orly like to eat in the OHEVET LE’EKHOL ?ֶלא ֹכל ַב ֹב ֶקר
morning? BA’BOKER?
Yoel In the morning I ַב ֹב ֶקר ֲא ִני ל ֹא אֹו ֶה ֶבת
Orly don’t like to eat BA’BOKER ANI LO .ֶלא ֹכל ַה ְר ֵּבה
Yoel much. I’m on a diet. O’HEVET LE’EKHOL .ֲא ִני ְב ִדי ֶא ָטה
I like to eat just a HARBE. ANI
small salad and drink BE’DI’ETA. ANI ֲא ִני אֹו ֶה ֶבת ֶלא ֹכל ַרק
a small café au lait. OHEVET LE’EKHOL ְו ִל ְשתֹות,ָס ָלט ָק ָטן
What do you like to RAK SALAT KATAN, .ָק ֶפה ָהפּוְך ָק ָטן
eat in the morning? VE’LISHTOT KAFE
HAFUKH KATAN. ָמה ַא ָתה אֹו ֵּהב ֶלא ֹכל
In the morning I like MA ATA OHEV ?ַב ֹב ֶקר
to eat a lot. I’m not LE’EKHOL
on a diet. I like to eat BA’BOKER? ַב ֹב ֶקר ֲא ִני אֹו ֵּהב ֶלא ֹכל
a big salad and a big ֲא ִני ל ֹא.ַה ְר ֵּבה
(piece of) toast and BABOKER ANI OHEV .ְב ִדי ֶא ָטה
Turkish coffee. Oh, LE’EKHOL HARBE.
I'm really hungry ANI LO BEDI’ETA. ֲא ִני אֹו ֵּהב ֶלא ֹכל ָס ָלט
now. ANI OHEV ָגדֹול ְוטֹו ְסט ָגדֹול ו ָק ֶפה
Hmm… you know GADOL VE’TOST .טּו ְר ִקי
what? I want to GADOL VE’KAFE ֲא ִני ָבא ֶמת ָר ֵּעב,אֹוי
invite you to a café. TURKI. OY, ANI
BE’EMET RA’EV .ַע ְכ ָשו
Great. Let’s go to AKHSHAV. ַא ָתה יֹו ֵּד ַע ָמה? ֲא ִני...מ
café “Aroma”, I like HMM… ATA YODE’A
the coffee there. MA? ANI ROTZA רֹו ָצה ְל ַה ְז ִמין אֹו ְתָך
LE'HAZMIN OTKHA .ְל ֵּבית ָק ֶפה
בֹו ִאי ֵּנ ֵּלְך ְל ָק ֶפה.ֹי ִפי
YOFI. BOI NELEKH ֲא ִני אֹו ֵּהב,"" ָארֹו ָמה
ANI OHEV ET .ֶאת ַה ָק ֶפה ָשם
Now watch the video again and get prepared to act it out.
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