Page 38 - Taglit-Unit 10-RB-PHONETIC-fp_Neat-240915-V2311-NPW
P. 38

Unit 10                38

                                                       Unit 10, Track 13

         Situation (cont.)

Yoel Where do you want to       EIFO AT ROTZA          ‫ֵּאי ֹפה ַא ְת רֹו ָצה‬
         sleep?                 LISHON?                          ?‫ִלי ֹשן‬

Orly What (do you mean)         MA EIFO?                ?‫ָמה ֵּאי ֹפה‬
         where? On the bus!     BA’OTOBUS!             !‫ָבאֹוטֹובּוס‬

Yoel Don’t you want to get AT LO ROTZA                 ‫ַא ְת ל ֹא רֹו ָצה ָל ֶר ֶדת‬
                                                         ‫ַע ְכ ָשו? ֵּיש מּו ֵּזאֹון‬
off now? There’s a nice LAREDET                                       !‫ָי ֶפה‬
                                AKHSHAV? YESH
museum!                         MUZE’ON YAFE!

Orly No, I don’t want to get LO, ANI LO ROTZA          ‫ ֲא ִני ל ֹא רֹו ָצה‬,‫ל ֹא‬
off. I don’t want to talk, LAREDET. ANI LO ‫ ֲא ִני ל ֹא רֹו ָצה‬.‫ָל ֶר ֶדת‬
                                ROTZA LE'DABER,        ‫ ֲא ִני ל ֹא רֹו ָצה‬,‫ְל ַד ֵּבר‬
I don’t want to eat, I                                 ‫ ֲא ִני ל ֹא רֹו ָצה‬,‫ֶלא ֹכל‬
don’t want to drink. I’m        ANI LO ROTZA            .‫ ֲא ִני ֲע ֵּי ָפה‬.‫ִל ְשתֹות‬
                                LE’EKHOL, ANI LO
tired. I want to sleep!!! ROTZA LISHTOT.               !!‫ֲא ִני רֹו ָצה ִלי ֹשן‬

                                ANI AYEFA. ANI

                                ROTZA LISHON!!

Yoel Hey, Orly, There’s a big HEY, ORLI, YESH          ‫ ֵּיש ּ ֹפה‬,‫ אֹו ְר ִלי‬,‫ַהי‬

and beautiful mall here!! PO KANYON                    ‫( ָגדֹול‬mall)‫ַק ְניֹון‬
                                                                   !!‫ְו ָי ֶפה‬
                                      GADOL VE'YAFE!!

Orly What, really?!             MA, BE’EMET?!!               !?‫ ָבא ֶמת‬,‫ָמה‬
         OK. I want to get off  O.K. ANI ROTZA          ‫ ֲא ִני רֹו ֶצה‬.‫אֹו ֵּקיי‬
         now! I want to buy     LAREDET                  ‫ָל ֶר ֶדת ַע ְכ ָשו! ֲא ִני‬
         jeans!!                AKHSHAV!               !‫רֹו ֶצה ִל ְקנֹות ִג'י ְנס‬
                                ANI ROTZA

                                LIKNOT JINS!

Yoel So, Yalla, let's go.       NU, AZ YALLA.          ‫ בֹו ִאי‬.‫ ָאז ַיא ְל ָלה‬,‫נּו‬
                                BOI NELEKH!                           !‫ֵּנ ֵּלְך‬

Now watch the two videos again and get prepared to act them out.

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                        .‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
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