Page 42 - Taglit-Unit 10-RB-PHONETIC-fp_Neat-240915-V2311-NPW
P. 42
Unit 10 42 Unit 10, Track 14
Orly invites Yoel to her house and Yoel wants to speak to Orly's parents
about the future…
Person English PHONETIC ִע ְב ִרית
Yoel ַא ְת,אֹו ְר ִלי
Orly, you want to go ORLY, AT ROTZA
Orly to my house in LINSOA LA’BAIT רֹו ָצה ִל ְנ ֹס ַע ַל ַב ִית ֶש ִלי
Canada in August? SHELI BE'KANADA ?ְב ָק ָנ ָדה ְבאֹוגּו ְסט
Orly Ah... AH… ..ָאה
Yoel OK, why not? TOV, LAMA LO? ? ָלָּמה ל ֹא.טֹוב
Orly Yoel, do you want YOEL, ATA ROTZE
Yoel to go to my house? LINSOA LA'BAIT ַא ָתה,יֹו ֵּאל
SHELI? ?רֹו ֶצה ִל ְנ ֹס ַע ַל ַב ִית ֶש ִלי
What? To your
house? MA? LA'BAIT ?ָמה? ַל ַב ִית ֶש ָלְך
Yes, to my house in SHELAKH?
Tel-Aviv. ַל ַב ִית ֶש ִלי,ֵּכן
Yes, sure. KEN, LA'BAIT SHELI . ָא ִביב-ְב ֵּתל
I want to go. BE'TEL-AVIV. . ֶב ַטח,ֵּכן
Great. My mother
wants to invite you KEN, BETAKH. ANI .ֲא ִני רֹו ֶצה ִל ְנ ֹס ַע
for Shabbat. ROTZE LINSOA. ִאָּמא.ֹי ִפי
Really? Cool...
YOFI. IMA SHELI ֶש ִלי רֹו ָצה ְל ַה ְז ִמין
ROTZAH LE'HAZMIN .אֹו ְתָך ְל ַש ָבת
.ֶבא ֶמת? ַא ְח ָלה
Now watch the video again and get prepared to act it out.
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