Page 42 - Taglit-Unit 10-RB-PHONETIC-fp_Neat-240915-V2311-NPW
P. 42

Unit 10               42                  Unit 10, Track 14


Orly invites Yoel to her house and Yoel wants to speak to Orly's parents
                                about the future…

Person         English              PHONETIC              ‫ִע ְב ִרית‬
 Yoel                                                         ‫ ַא ְת‬,‫אֹו ְר ִלי‬
        Orly, you want to go  ORLY, AT ROTZA
 Orly   to my house in        LINSOA LA’BAIT      ‫רֹו ָצה ִל ְנ ֹס ַע ַל ַב ִית ֶש ִלי‬
        Canada in August?     SHELI BE'KANADA          ?‫ְב ָק ָנ ָדה ְבאֹוגּו ְסט‬
 Yoel                         BE'OGUST?
 Orly   Ah...                 AH…                                   ..‫ָאה‬
 Yoel   OK, why not?          TOV, LAMA LO?               ?‫ ָלָּמה ל ֹא‬.‫טֹוב‬
 Orly   Yoel, do you want     YOEL, ATA ROTZE
 Yoel   to go to my house?    LINSOA LA'BAIT                  ‫ ַא ָתה‬,‫יֹו ֵּאל‬
                              SHELI?              ?‫רֹו ֶצה ִל ְנ ֹס ַע ַל ַב ִית ֶש ִלי‬
        What? To your
        house?                MA? LA'BAIT               ?‫ָמה? ַל ַב ִית ֶש ָלְך‬
        Yes, to my house in   SHELAKH?
        Tel-Aviv.                                          ‫ ַל ַב ִית ֶש ִלי‬,‫ֵּכן‬
        Yes, sure.            KEN, LA'BAIT SHELI             .‫ ָא ִביב‬-‫ְב ֵּתל‬
        I want to go.         BE'TEL-AVIV.                      .‫ ֶב ַטח‬,‫ֵּכן‬
        Great. My mother
        wants to invite you   KEN, BETAKH. ANI          .‫ֲא ִני רֹו ֶצה ִל ְנ ֹס ַע‬
        for Shabbat.          ROTZE LINSOA.                    ‫ ִאָּמא‬.‫ֹי ִפי‬
        Really? Cool...
                              YOFI. IMA SHELI         ‫ֶש ִלי רֹו ָצה ְל ַה ְז ִמין‬
                              ROTZAH LE'HAZMIN             .‫אֹו ְתָך ְל ַש ָבת‬
                              OTKHA LE'SHABAT.
                                                         .‫ֶבא ֶמת? ַא ְח ָלה‬
                              BE'EMET? AKHLA…

Now watch the video again and get prepared to act it out.

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                             .‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
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