Page 16 - Ulpan Or E-Tone (20.06.17) Advanced Level
P. 16
E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest
Item #3 (Advanced Level)
Doing Good
At noon, on the long recess, a group of students of the Reut School in
Jerusalem leave the books and start organizing tables. “We come, clean the
whole area, make it pleasant, and then we start setting and preparing the
dishes and wait for the people coming to eat.” For ten years the School’s
students (have been) operating a social restaurant at the big hall. In
cooperation with the Society for Advancement of Education, they supply
hot meals to the city’s residents, as a kind of soup kitchen. At two o’clock
the hall begins to fill up with diners, now the restaurant is in danger of
closing. The students launched a crowd funding project on the fundraising
platform Jgive. (They’re) now trying to raise fifty thousand NIS, hoping to
be able to operate this magical place in the future too.
Page 16 - Edition 06-20-17
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