Page 18 - Workbook Lag Baomer 090517
P. 18


                                                              Track 8

‫רבי שמעון בר יוחאי – אוצר מילים‬

Exercise: Listen to the vocabulary audio track, filling the
Hebrew translation of each word.

            English           ‫ִע ְב ִרית‬

to be born
was born
Gimatria (numerical value of
Hebrew letters)
to be redeemed
to oppose
opposed (m. sg.)
to persecute
persecuted (m. pl.)
to capture
to kill
to hide
hid (pl.)
to connect
connected (pl.)
Elijah the prophet
to hold
hold (m. pl.)
celebration (in honor of a

deceased righteous person)

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                   ‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
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