Page 3 - Workbook Lag Baomer 090517
P. 3
5 Track 1
הסיפור על רבי עקיבא – אוצר מילים
Exercise: Listen to the vocabulary audio track, filling the
Hebrew translation of each word.
English ִע ְב ִרית
to marry
marry (f. sg.)
with you
to promise
promise (m. sg.)
my wife
you will be my wife
to learn Torah
I will learn Torah
my whole life
from a distance
to run
running (f. sg.) toward him
to fall
falling (f. sg.) to his feet
to approach
approached (m. sg.)
to lift
lifted her to her feet
because of
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העתקה והפצה אסורים, כל שימוש.אור-כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן