Page 7 - Rothschild inter170918
P. 7
Intermediate level– שדרות רוטשילד
Akiva Weiss's House
In the corner of Herzl Street and Ehad Ha'am Street, the house
of Akiva Weiss is situated. Who is Weiss? Weiss was born in
Belarus in 1868. He wants to be an architect but his father dies
and Weiss has to manage the family business.
In 1904, he visits Israel and he sees there sad people and a
wasteland. Weiss thinks that it's important to build many new
and modern houses in the city, in which hundreds of new
immigrants can live. He comes back to lodge and he tells his
wife and kids that they are going to immigrate to Israel, to build
there a new Hebrew city.
In 1906, Weiss and his family immigrate to Israel and they live
in a new house in Jaffa. One evening, [they] invite Weiss to a
meeting with the Jews of Jaffa. In that meeting, he offers the
people to buy some land and to build on it a modern Hebrew
city with streets, water in the houses and schools. The people
agree and the "Ahuzat Bait" association is established. Weiss is
the head of the association.
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