Page 6 - Ulpan Or E-Tone (16-01-18) High Inter Level
P. 6

E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest

                                            Item #1 (High-Intermediate Level)

                                Is the Market Open on Shabbat?

            The Markets Bill, which passed in the Knesset last week, caused a drama

            between the ultra-orthodox and seculars in Israel, but won’t really change
            a  lot.  The  bill  says  that  in  a  city  where  up  until  now  (they)  opened

            businesses on Shabbat, stores will remain open. But as of today, if a city

            would want to change its mind and open stores on Shabbat, it wouldn’t be
            able to decide this alone, it will need a special permit. So does this harm

            the  status-quo?  Depends  on  who  you  ask.  The  ultra-orthodox  say  it
            doesn’t, because all the stores stay open, but the seculars say that if a city

            can’t decide for itself, then it harms the status-quo.

                                          Page  6        -        Edition 01-16-18
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