Page 11 - Ulpan Or E-Tone (16-01-18) High Inter Level
P. 11

E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest

                                            Item #2 (High-Intermediate Level)

                                               Crazy Weather

            In recent weeks there’s an extreme cold front in the United States, like we
            haven’t seen in a long time. Degrees came down well below zero, rivers

            froze and people didn’t come out of their homes. (They) even made sure

            that  homeless  people,  who  have  no  home,  have  a  warm  place  to  sleep.
            Thousands of people were stranded at the airport, and didn’t know what’s

            going on because there were no flights. And what’s happening on the other

            side of the Earth? In Australia there’s an extreme heat wave of almost fifty
            degrees. (They) haven’t seen such a heat wave there since nineteen thirty

            nine.  If  you  ask  what  will  happen  in  the  coming  days,  know  that  in
            Australia temperatures are starting to come down, and in the United States

            temperatures will rise already in the coming days.

                                         Page  11        -        Edition 01-16-18
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