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E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest

                                            Item #3 (Low-Intermediate Level)

                         Now listen again and check your answers.

                         Listen again several times till you feel you know well the new

                                   Talking Dictionary   טָל–         ְ קֻמ םיִל ִמ רַצוֹא

             English                             תירבע        English                             תירבע

             battle                                ב ָר ְק  6    soldier(s)                  םיִלָי ַח ,לָי ַח  1
                                             ש ג ַר ְת ִהְל
             to be excited
                                             )    ל עַפ ְתה ( ִ  7    to help               )    לַעָפ (  ר זֲעַל  2
             are excited (f.)
                                             תוֹשְג ַר ְת ִמ
             end                                    ףוֹס   8    war                              ה ָמ ָחְל ִמ  3

             to start                         לי ִח ְת ַהְל ( ִ  9    against                         דֶג  ֶנ  4
                                               לי ִע ְפה
             starts (m. sg.)                    לי ִח ְת ַמ

             to rise                      )    לַעָפ (  םוּקָל
             rises (f. sg.)                        ה ָמ ָק     10  to reenact             )    ל עפ ( ִ   ר ז ְח ַשְל  5

                                         Page  14        -        Edition 10-31-17
             Copyrighted and owned by Ulpan-Or. Any usage, copying and distribution without express permission from Ulpan-Or is prohibited.
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