Page 9 - Ulpan-Or E-Tone 29.11.16 High Inter Level
P. 9

E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest

                     Item #2 (High-Intermediate Level)

Now listen again and check your answers.

Listen again several times till you feel you know well the new

          Talking Dictionary – ‫אֹו ַצר ִמ ִלים ֻמ ְק ָלט‬

English            ‫עברית‬                   English           ‫עברית‬
trash, garbage                          6 prayer
garbage bin           ‫ֶׁז ֶׁבל‬                               ‫ ִמ ְת ַפ ֵלל‬1
landfill           ‫ַפח ֶׁז ֶׁבל‬
                   ‫ִמ ְזָּב ָלה‬
                   ‫ַמ ָש ִאית‬           7 to find            )‫ִל ְמצ ֹא ( ָפ ַעל‬  2
to volunteer                               found (m. sg.)           ‫ָמ ָצא‬
volunteered (pl.)  ‫ְל ִה ְת ַג ֵיס‬
                   )‫( ִה ְת ַפ ֵעל‬      8 to steal           )‫ִל ְג ֹנב ( ָפ ַעל‬  3
to search          ‫ִה ְת ַג ְיסּו‬          stole (m. sg.)           ‫ָג ַנב‬
searched (pl.)
                   )‫ְל ַח ֵפש ( ִפ ֵעל‬  9 camera               ‫ַמ ְצ ֵל ָמה‬       4
loss                     ‫ִח ְפשּו‬          security cameras   ‫ַמ ְצ ֵלמֹות‬        5
                                                              ‫ַא ְב ָט ָחה‬
                   ‫ ֲא ֵב ָדה‬10 to fall
                                fell (pl.)                   )‫ִל ֹפל ( ָפ ַעל‬
                                                                  ‫ָנ ְפלּו‬

                                  Page 9 - Edition 11-29-16

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