Page 3 - Syllabus-Kindergartens-R1
P. 3
The program is based on 22 interactive study units corresponding to
the number of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet.
In each unit the students get acquainted with a different letter, practice
the words learned with that letter, learn how to write the new letter and
what the opening sound of that letter is.
The units are based on the material learned in the previous unit, so that
in each unit students also review what they learned in the previous
units, so that students deepen their knowledge of the Hebrew language
along with the progress in the program.
The practice is done in an experiential and fun way using interactive
games, that can be played in class in pairs, singles or in a full class
The program uses different senses (visual, auditory, kinesthetic etc.)
and music. The various units are accompanied by dialogues so that the
students learn from a conversation and practice conversational Hebrew
from day one.
As the program progresses, students learn basic syntax and know how
to compose correct sentences in Hebrew. Each unit is accompanied by
appropriate segments of Israeli songs or stories that enrich the learning
The program strengthens the bond between students and Israel and
creates a community of learners. Moreover, it helps parents to join
their children and participate in the learning process.
Curriculum main goals
The program is divided into twenty-two study units that build the
various skills, layer upon layer.
The study sessions and are spread over the entire school year.
Achievements are based on the number of weekly lessons.
It is possible to complete the entire curriculum in one year in schools
that have 4-5 weekly lessons.