Page 22 - IDF eCur NM unit 7 english 041119
P. 22
NM Unit 7
Israeli Money
The basic monetary unit is the New Israeli Shekel – NIS.
It is divided into the fractions - "Agorot". 1 Shekel = 100 Agorot.
5 Agorot 10 Agorot 50 Agorot = 1/2 Shekel
תוֹרוֹגֲא ש ֵמ ָח תוֹרוֹגֲא ר ֶשֶע ל ֶק ֶש י ִצֲח
5 Shekels 1 Shekel
םיִל ָק ְש ה ָש ִמֲח ד ָח ֶא ל ֶק ֶש 10 Shekels
םיִל ָק ְש ה ָר ָשֲע
ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) ט ָמוֹפּ ְסַכ
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