Page 23 - IDF eCur NM unit 7 english 041119
P. 23


                                                      NM Unit 7
                               Using numbers in relation with money

            General question – structure 1:

                    Q. How much is it?                                                ?הֶז ה ָמַכ

                    Q. How much does it cost?                                  ?הֶלוֹע הֶז ה ָמַכ

            General question – structure 2:

                    Q. How much is the…?                                             ?.... ַה ה ָמַכ

                    Q. How much is the coffee?                                     ?הֶפ ָק ַה ה ָמַכ

            Exercise: Do some shopping, find out prices and fill the chart, according to the
            example and write down the answers.

             Q. How much are the bananas?                                        ?תוֹנָּנַב ַה ה ָּמַכ

             A. The bananas are twenty shekels.                     .םיִּל ָּק ְש םי ִּר ְשע  –   ֶּ   תוֹנָּנָּב ַה

             Q. How much is the coffee?

             A. The coffee is nine shekels.

             Q. How much is the tea?

             Q. How much is the avocado?


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