Page 19 - Ulpan Or E-Tone (27.06.17) Low Inter Level
P. 19
E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest
Item #4 (Low-Intermediate Level)
Now listen again and check your answers.
Listen again several times till you feel you know well the new
Talking Dictionary – אֹו ַצר ִמ ִלים ֻמ ְק ָלט
English עבריתEnglish עברית
to take ) ָל ַק ַחת ( ָפ ַעל6 to change ) ְלׁ ַשּנֹות ( ִפ ֵעל1
to keep safe
keeps (m. sg.) )ִלְׁש ֹׁמר ( ָפ ַעל 7 smart ֲח ָכ ָמה, ָח ָכם2
identity ׁשֹו ֵמר
to switch ,ֶׁזהּות 8 generation דֹור3
switch (m. pl.) ְתעּו ַדת ֶׁזהּות
passport(s) )ַל ֲע ֹׁבר ( ָפ ַעל 9 new ָח ָדׁש4
עֹו ְב ִרים
ַד ְרכֹו ִנים, ַד ְרכֹון10 to wait )ְל ַחכֹות ( ִפ ֵעל 5
waiting (m. pl.) ְמ ַח ִכים
Page 19 - Edition 06-27-17
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