Page 16 - Ulpan-Or E-Tone (04.10.16) Advanced Level
P. 16

E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest

                                           Item #3 (Advanced Level)

                Bosco Keeps the Children Safe

In a world where almost every child has a smartphone and the kids are
connected to the web almost twenty four (seven), even problems that used
to belong to school go home with the students. “Sometimes there are kids
who insult other kids, and sometimes on our class’ WhatsApp group (they)
insult one another.” The kids who endure a boycott by their classmates
experience it in the virtual world as well. The parent, who in the virtual
world can’t keep track of every movement online, possibly also loses the
ability to know what’s really going on in the child’s world, and this is
exactly what the Israeli company Bosco’s app is meant for. “Today the
first thing that happens is that their friends start blocking them on social
media. When we see that more than three friends deleted the kid from
social media, we give an alert to the parent.” The app also deciphers the
child’s voice during calls, and can alert when he’s in a crisis or distress,
even without him explicitly saying so. The app is installed on the parents’
and childrens' phones and both sides are aware of it. The days of kids
wandering the neighborhood unattended have long gone; today the worry
is to protect them when they’re in the virtual space, a world that could be
even more dangerous.

                                 Page 16 - Edition 10-04-16

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