Page 6 - Ulpan-Or E-Tone (04.10.16) Advanced Level
P. 6
E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest
Item #1 (Advanced Level)
Saying Goodbye to Shimon Peres
Shimon Peres knew the government meeting hall like no person present in
it today got to know. Today the government said goodbye to him in a
special mourning session. “This is the state of Israel’s first day without
Shimon Peres, may he rest in peace.” Many of the right-wing
government’s ministers were in disagreement with Peres the politician,
with his political standpoints, a gap that grew smaller during his term as
president, until today (they) already spoke about him in loving terms.
Shimon Peres died before dawn at the Tel-Hashomer hospital, surrounded
by his family, who requested to act according to his (living) will and allow
him to move on without unnecessary suffering. Obama was just one of
dozens of world leaders who wanted to console the Peres family, and
announced his attendance at the funeral on Friday. Immediately as his
death was announced work began to dig his grave at the National Leaders
Plot at Har Herzl. Peres will be buried here on Friday, between the graves
of Yitzhak Rabin and Yitzhak Shamir, the two men who shared the
country’s leadership with him. The man who said many times that the
thing he hates to do most is rest, will be brought the day after tomorrow to
his final resting place.
Page 6 - Edition 10-04-16
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