Page 16 - Ulpan Or E-Tone (23-01-18) Advanced Level
P. 16
E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest
Item #3 (Advanced Level)
Singing Together
Everyone is already standing in place, each one knows exactly what he has
to do and what his part is, and in a few minutes it will happen: two
thousand people are going to sing one song here together. It all started a
little over a year ago when Or Teicher, a social entrepreneur who managed
to produce quite a few events, was exposed to this clip online, “hundreds
of thousands of people standing in front of the Western Wall singing
‘we’ve sinned before you’, and I said to myself wow, such power, such
strength.” In eight months, they managed to establish Koolulam, a mass-
singing project. Hundreds of curious singing enthusiasts came to the first
event. The song chosen to christen the project was Or Gadol by Amir
Dadon. The clip from the event was uploaded online and became viral, and
since then they’ve managed to produce two more events. The thousands of
people that came here from all over Israel are going to sing Avraham Tal’s
Mechuzakim La’olam. That’s it, rehearsals are over, whether they were
more or less successful, it’s time for the real thing. Everyone take their
places, the cameras are ready, action! It seems like the Koolulam guys are
on to something here, the desire we all have to feel (like we) belong, to be
partners in the creation of something great and know that there’s someone
who strengthens us when we’re weak. In this case, when we’re off-key.
Page 16 - Edition 01-23-18
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