Page 11 - Ulpan Or E-Tone (23-01-18) Advanced Level
P. 11
E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest
Item #2 (Advanced Level)
The Young Millionaire
It’s rare to see young people who win hundreds of millions in the lottery.
Somehow, the average winner in America is usually a senior or a
housewife, but this time twenty year old Shane Missler from Florida,
becomes one of the youngest multi-millionaires in America. Until last
week, Shane was a junior employee at an employment agency, and before
that a salesman at Best-Buy. The winning ticket – one of five he bought
for just ten dollars, and didn’t even make the effort of filling them out but
bought from the lottomat, the machine. Minutes after winning last week he
wrote “Oh My God” on Facebook, but only showed up at the lottery
offices in Florida a few days later with a lawyer, and chose two hundred
and eighty million dollars in cash instead of the full prize – four hundred
and fifty million dollars he could have gotten in installments. The
neighbors are happy for him, and in contrast with the popular advice,
Shane didn’t remain anonymous and publically wrote how he felt he had to
set off on a new path and help humanity. Without a doubt, a rare lottery
winner with a lot of young innocence, and maybe social media will
actually help him, this time with his purpose of doing good for other
Page 11 - Edition 01-23-18
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