Page 21 - Ulpan Or E-Tone (03-20-18) Low Inter Level
P. 21
E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest
Item #4 (Advanced Level)
Static and Ben El in America
Three years ago not many people know Static and Ben El. They are two
ordinary people who upload clips to YouTube. But today, they are two of
the most popular singers in Israel. It’s possible that their magic works in
America too, because a few days ago they sign a contract with one of the
biggest companies in America, Capitol Records. The company CEO hears
Static and Ben El’s song Barbie and thinks it’s really good. The two are
already working on their first two songs in English and want to bring their
Israeliness to the Big Apple too.
Page 21 - Edition 03-20-18
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