Page 41 - milchemet hasafot 120217 ADV
P. 41


                                       The Lemel School- Part 2

                    In the music lesson, the students learned German songs and not

                   a single Hebrew song.  Consuls and priests entered the school

                   auditorium and the orchestra began playing the German National

                   Anthem.  The students were silent.  None of them sang the anthem

                   and when all of the guests rose in honor of the anthem none of the

                   students rose.  The principal boiled over in anger and the veteran

                   teachers became upset.  The students ran outside and tore all the

                   books and notebooks in German.

                   The rebels made a path out of the torn papers all the way from the

                   school to the the German Consulate on Neviim Street and all the

                   way there loudly sang Hebrew songs.  This rebellion is known in

                   the  history  of  education  in  Jerusalem  as  the  Great  Language


                   Today, in the building of the Lemel School there is a study hall

                   for the ultra-Orthodox and one can hear childrens' voices studying

                   and singing in Yiddish, an interesting closing of the circle of a

                   fiery "war of languages".

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                                       םירוסא הצפהו הקתעה ,שומיש לכ ..  רוא - ןפלואל   תורומש תויוכזה  לכ
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