Page 14 - IDF eCur NL Unit 8 english 041119
P. 14
NL, Unit 8
Full structure to answer the question
What is your name? (V1)
Question: What is your name (m/f)? ךְָל / ךָ ְל םי ִא ְרוֹק ךְי ֵא
Answer: (name) + יִל םי ִא ְרוֹק
Examples: Yoel and Orly are asking for each other’s names
יִל ְרוֹא ל ֵאוֹי
"What's your name?" - Masculine
Question What’s your name? ? ךְָל םי ִא ְרוֹק ךְי ֵא
(Lit. "How do they call you?")
Full answer My name is Yoel. .ל ֵאוֹי יִל םי ִא ְרוֹק
(Lit. "They call me Yoel")
Short answer Yoel. .ל ֵאוֹי
"What's your name?" - Feminine
Question What’s your name? ? ךְָל םי ִא ְרוֹק ךְי ֵא
Full answer My name is Orly. . יִל ְרוֹא יִל םי ִא ְרוֹק
Short answer Orly. .יִל ְרוֹא
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